So for class I am texturing a T-34 that I have modeled on my own time.
I have a low poly model that is at ~6000 polygons and the high is at ~300k polygons.
So I brought them both into Maya 2013 and used the Transfer Maps plugin after setting all the envelope settings and stuff. What came out was this abomination

Can someone help? I need to have all my texture maps finished for Tuesday.
General stuff to look out for and hopefully fix the issue.
Make sure your cage, envelop in Maya, is encompassing your entire high and low poly models.
Use an exploded bake setup. When you bake with intersecting meshes it will pick up other pieces in UV shells you dont want it to. If you separate everything out and then bake you will get way cleaner results.
This probably isn't related to your issue but use xNormal. Its a million times faster and much better than Maya transfer maps.
I have tried, but either it takes forever to analyze the high poly or the program just isn't working when I try using it
I have made sure it covers the whole model, I will try Xnormal again tonight and get some screen grabs to show you guys tomorrow
Also, check your geometry and normal map options in the exporter. It may well be that the highpoly is too small (since the objects "shrink" a little when you are smoothing). You may have to stabilize the HP a bit more before smoothing, so it keeps the shape better.
Another thing that comes to mind is the size of the cage. It seems like it is projecting fine on some parts and badly on others. So you might try making a custom cage and bae in Xnormal, see if that works. It looks like there are parts projecting on top of each other/intersecting, so it could be a cage issue.
If nothing helps, I tend to export the pieces that have issuues separately and bake them one at a time. With the layer set to "overlay" in Photoshop you can stack them and build a final normal map. (This is kinda the noob version of the "explosion setup" pro modelers are talking about ^^)
These were just some ideas of the top of my head. Hope something works for you.
Not sure if this is what is causing your problems, it might be related to your cage.
Also the overlapping issue Logithx mentioned, I've only see that happen when baking AO with mental ray in 3ds Max. Other baking methods don't have this problem.
I assume then I will have to somehow separate my high poly too?
I tried making my low poly slightly smaller so that they weren't occupying the same space
Here is my Envelope
Here are all my bake settings
I have tried XNormal but for some reason it cant get past analyzing the high poly, forcing me to use Maya to bake. So I'm still waiting for the results, hopefully these work out at least half decently
As for your Xnormal problem im not sure why its taking forever to Analise thats really weird. Try exporting the Xnormal File type SBM, as to me it might be incorrect settings for the OBJ file or file being used although im not sure on this
Did a quick google search and it could because of N-gons, so more than 4 sided shapes, heres the link.
Best of luck.