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Portfolio Project WIP. (1st thread)

Hello i am doing my first thread here on PCF, and i would like to see how this goes. Here is a W.I.P of my portfolio project...actually one third of it. These are basic shots from print screens and quick renders which if this site has a unwritten rule of image types or if you all have awesome ways to show basic renders by all means add that in your reply.

This project is a apartment based piece generally your city apartment with sky view. In my work i tend to spice things up and add items that are a little special. for instance i have over 10 batman referenced items in this scene. Props to who can get them all. A freebie will be that the small shield on a bookcase will be the royal flush gang crest.

I have a lot of cleaning up to do with back faces and edge flows but if anyone has design tips, see's major eye sores, or just hate something i would really love your input as i want to make this as awesome as possible.

O and i have leaves textured to help show whats going on in my Fireplace as it is a poison ivy reference and that fireplace i am seeing as a white marble or stone object.


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