Hey guys. I've been searching around a bit on this and can't quite figure out if it exists, or how to find it. So maybe you guys can help me out

I know this isn't a photography forum, But i know there are a lot of knowledgeable people around, And i don't want to go noobing up a nikon forum not even knowing what I'm really looking for.
So my problem is this: I have a nikon D3200 (Noob photographer here, obviously) and I'm constantly taking images for the sake of reference. Some material reference, if a surface looks interesting, Some animals, rocks, Buildings, Anything I find useful or interesting to look at. I'm sure you can all see where this is going: I end up with folders upon folders full of random shit that just ends up taking space and serving me no use because I can't find anything. The obvious solution is to simply sort it all out once I'm back in front a computer, But at that point it becomes more of a chore, and tedious to do. I'd like to do some organizing at work/on the go when i can't get to my own computer.
Ideally what I'd like to know exists is a piece of software that can run on the camera itself and give you the ability to file(create folders/move images), name, And possibly add "notes" or comments to an image. Right now I can crop, Color correct, Resize, etc etc and that's all great. But what I'd really like is something that will let me organize on the go, Short of buying a tablet to carry around

If I'm just too lazy and ridiculous, yell and throw things at me. If you guys know of something like this or have an idea of what this might be/where i could find it i would be most great full to hear your thoughts. Even a software made for the computer that helps organize would be better than being in windows explorer just renaming and moving stuff.
In addition, if you wanted to share your personal pipeline for reference/texture/image gathering and organizing, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks guys. I'll chalk this up as my stupid question for the month. Cause we all get 1 right. :thumbup:
I don't know if it'll help you at all, but it's worth taking a look at. Regarding texture organization, I'm pretty straightforward. I just organize everything into a Windows 7 library that I've manually sorted into man-made/natural, with sub-folders for concrete, grass, dirt, metal, et al. It serves my purposes.
Thanks for the help!
I know it would be less than ideal to do all the sorting on the camera, But i get a fair amount of free time at work that i could fiddle with it. Also when I'm on trips and just sitting at a hotel after a day of running around and shooting. or while i'm watching House
We'll see how light room goes though. Thanks for the idea.
Adobe lightroom is likely your best bet, as you can organize and *tag* files for later searching, as well as do all of your basic post processing cropping, white balance, highlight/shadow recovery, etc etc.
A wifi-capable camera and a tablet would also be doable in the feild, but again you want some good software, sorting into folders is probably not all that useful if you have a large and varied collection, I would think tagging would be better ie: you have a texture of rock and grass, do you put this in the rock folder or the grass folder? Neither, you tag it as rock and grass and mud and ground and anything else that would be helpful for searching.
So is there a tablet out there that can run lightroom, or similar software?
Also, you could look into those wifi-enabled SD cards for tablet use if your camera doesn't support wifi.
So for now I'll check out lightroom. Should work pretty well for now