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My character work

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StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
Hey guys I thought that I would start a thread for all the character work that I will be doing... There is a lot of inspiring work here so I want to stop lurking so much and get more involved. Anyway I'll start with this sort of flying creature that I am making for an animator at work who wants something like this in his showreel... somewhat generic and you can tell where I have taken inspiration from. Still lots more to sculpt :-)



  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Did some sculpting on this dude yesterday lunch...

  • DannSw
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    DannSw polycounter lvl 10
    First model is sick man. It would be nice to see a shot with it's full wingspan and get an idea of what the entire silhouette looks like.
  • Zersixs
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    the second model look's amazing, for the first one i don't really like the face/head.. other than that i give you a score of...

    Score: 8/10 fruits
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Hey Kavi, I think the main thing that is really sticking out on the 2nd creature for me is the eyes. They seem to be a bit bug-orientated so it kinda feels out of place.

    I imagine it to be more like this..


    Really like the torso anatomy on the first post dude.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the comments guys
    @DannSw -I am going to work more on the wings and post a shot soon :-)
    @Zersixs - Thanks!
    @MrNinjutsu - How is it going dude? I agree with you about the eyes... that is an area I need to figure out and get the design to work... I'll post more up soon. Your work is looking a lot better since I last saw your stuff by the way!
  • joesolo
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    You have some really nice looking work so far. I would work on bringing your meshes to a similar level of detail all the way around. It looks like you concentrate on individual spots at a time. Work on the whole piece at once. Keep on sculptin!

  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    StrongRum wrote: »
    Thanks for the comments guys
    @DannSw -I am going to work more on the wings and post a shot soon :-)
    @Zersixs - Thanks!
    @MrNinjutsu - How is it going dude? I agree with you about the eyes... that is an area I need to figure out and get the design to work... I'll post more up soon. Your work is looking a lot better since I last saw your stuff by the way!

    Yeah it can be a bit difficult with getting the eyes right, it can really make a piece. Saying that you could leave the eyes out completely, taking on inspiration from moles and that they being typically blind, you could maybe incorporate some evolutionary compensations for something like that on this guy? Could be interesting.

    Looking forward to more! Oh i shot a pm over to you too.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    @MrNinjutsu - Cool idea about taking inspiration from a mole, I will have to play around with that.

    @joesolo - Thanks for the advice, i do tend to work like that, I like to work in one subdivision and completing it before I move up... I think in those shots I still have work to do lol :-)

    Anyway here is a small update on the first model I posted... still have a lot of surface detail to do. I have added some spikes along the spine and also some smaller poisonous darts around the shoulder area. I will echo that design along the tail but still have to get around to it. Slowly but surely getting there...

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    I have had a bit of a break from the creatures... I will get back to working on them soon but here is something that I did for a 2 week lunch crunch we had at work. The theme was He-Man and I chose to create She-Ra


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    got any close-ups of her face man?

    the rotation of her wrist makes her hand look reeeeally elongated.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    I hear what your saying about the wrist... When I used transpose to pose her it screwed up parts of the mesh that I still need to fix. I did want to sculpt more detail into her and finish the face... that's pretty much what i came up within the time. I will post an update on the weekend, I reckon I will get some time work on it then some more :-)
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Another lunch crunch from this week, creaturebox theme... I wanted to do more to the proportions and the fibres but ran out of time. It was fun though :-)

  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Kavi, hows it going?

    Really great, fun Creature box sculpt. The eyes really add to the comedic effect.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers Di$array...

    Here is another crunch that we did at work, the theme was to sculpt a celeb... there are still some issues that I would like to fix but here is what I got at the end of the week...

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Its been ages since I have posted! One of my resolutions is to post more and get more involved!

    I have decided to enter the comicon challange anyhoo and here is kinda where I am at. A concept sculpt...


    Although after some feedback and a bit of re-evaluating I decided to try out some new Torso details to make it look less busy. I'm kinda thinking of something along these lines?


    Here is the link to my entry if you are interested?

    comicon entry
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Here is another update on my comicon entry... High poly is almost there, I still want to work on the face a bit more and refine the hair sculpt to get an idea of what i want to go for but in the end I will use planes with an alpha texture.

  • Tw17ch
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    Tw17ch polycounter lvl 10
    really nice work, I really enjoy seeing you lunch time sculpts :) The Shark Turtle is probably my favorite, can't wait to see that one finished.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers dude! I definitely want to finish that once I finish comicon... here is an update anyway... I unwrapped my low poly suit mesh and done a test bake using a low poly decimated version of my suit. I need to bake it again with a higher res version of the suit but it was taking me ages tonight to decimate things to an exceptable level, I will sort that out during the week and rebake. Here is how it is looking so far though...

  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    That is a sexy test bake!
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    Although the polygons are cleanly distributed for a static piece, I don't think you have enough loops in deforming areas, especially the front of the knees, the back of the elbows, and the buttocks. If you pose this mesh, it would look a lot more lowpoly than it should at this density.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    ^Agree, otherwise man that is a nice bake, don't think you need to do much, but it is what you end up deciding to do, can't wait for them colors.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers guys, I totally agree about not having enough loops for deformation, I'm going to get a rig in there at some point this week and tweak the mesh where necessary.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    It has been a while since I have posted an update because I haven't been able to work on this as much as I would have liked. It is pretty much flat colours at the moment, I need to get on with the texturing. I will experiment along the way with colour schemes etc... trying to figure out what looks cool.

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    I had some pc problems but managed to sort them and get this guy rigged and started on the textures... I'm definitely going to have to rush through this! I'm still uncertain about some things but just need to keep it moving to finish on time.
  • Tw17ch
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    Tw17ch polycounter lvl 10
    Nice!!, love the emmissive glow on the face, what did you render him in marmoset?
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers, Yeah its rendered in marmoset.
  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Ok I did a bit more tweaking and playing around with a different pose. I'm not sure what to do for the beauty sheet yet? I'm going to have to come up with something quickly! I need to squeeze that time in... Also I'm linking the images from blogger and its adding a vignette to it which I don't know how to get rid of!

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Hi peeps, been so busy with that I haven't had time to update my thread with my comicon finals... anyway here you go, it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it but I learnt a lot, the main thing that I need to manage and plan my time better lol

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Here is some sunday sculpting fun that I was having yesterday also...

  • StrongRum
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    StrongRum polycounter lvl 6
    Ok so it turned out that I had absolutely no free time to complete the petrol/blood comp :-(

    I am hoping now to get back to doing more of my personal work so I have decided to get back to some of my old characters that I never got around to finishing. First of all I thought I would finish this creature that I was sculpting a while ago... The sculpt is almost there, only a few details to add if anything. I am going to retopo next and unwrap so I can get to baking :-)

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