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Maya into GIMP/Photoshop?

polycounter lvl 4
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Haftoof polycounter lvl 4
So I'm working on learning to transfer uv snapshots into a editor program. Here's the problem, I don't have an actual copy of photoshop for learning, I'm not particularly interested in paying for it and I'm looking at alternatives like gimp. First thing I notice, it wants me to stroke the layer on the UV snapshot import.

Gimp 2 doesn't seem to take .iff as a standard format. Additionally when I import it as a .tga or .tiff file, stroking the layer doesn't seem to have the same effect as it would in photoshop. Anyone have any information on this?

I believe the goal is to make the snapshot more visible after import, any help would be appreciated.


  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    I'm not sure what you mean by it wanting you to stroke the layer, as I don't use Gimp, but perhaps my method may still help. Generally what I do is I un-check the Anti-Alias box in the UV Snapshot window and set the image format to .PNG. This gives me solid, unblurred (pixellated) UVs in Photoshop; because of the transparency, I add a layer underneath and fill it with black so I can see the UVs.

    Assuming Stroke works the same in Gimp as it does in Photoshop, this tool surrounds any pixels adjacent to empty space on your layer with an X-pixel-wide color of your choosing. Because TGA and some other formats export UVs as one compact layer (white lines on a black background), the only pixels adjacent to empty space are the borders of your document rather than around the lines of your UVs.
  • Haftoof
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    Haftoof polycounter lvl 4
    Appreciate the help, seems the functionality is slightly different, I found an option to select by color which picked up the UV layer lines that were in the layer and let me stroke the selection.
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