So I'm working on learning to transfer uv snapshots into a editor program. Here's the problem, I don't have an actual copy of photoshop for learning, I'm not particularly interested in paying for it and I'm looking at alternatives like gimp. First thing I notice, it wants me to stroke the layer on the UV snapshot import.
Gimp 2 doesn't seem to take .iff as a standard format. Additionally when I import it as a .tga or .tiff file, stroking the layer doesn't seem to have the same effect as it would in photoshop. Anyone have any information on this?
I believe the goal is to make the snapshot more visible after import, any help would be appreciated.
Assuming Stroke works the same in Gimp as it does in Photoshop, this tool surrounds any pixels adjacent to empty space on your layer with an X-pixel-wide color of your choosing. Because TGA and some other formats export UVs as one compact layer (white lines on a black background), the only pixels adjacent to empty space are the borders of your document rather than around the lines of your UVs.