Jumping on the stylized hand painted texturing train.
Had some fun today doing this:

About 4 Hours texturing, was a lot of fun and i learnt a lot from it (I've actually redone the blade 3 times before getting anything i was happy with).
Concept is from Fristkeeper. I'll have a stab at the staff or the axe tomorrow.

Comments and Critiques welcome and wanted! : )
But may I ask you where your lightsource is? I'm kinda confused, because I can't figure it out...
Should it be upper right? If so, why aren't there shadows on the handle?
But that's just something small...
But remember to think of your lightsource then painting shadow and light.
Good work, keep it up =D
@fenyce: Yea it was supposed to come from top right, the handle was the first part i painted and i really didn't get the shading right. I might give it an other pass maybe.
Anyway I give you today's weapon.
This one took kinda longer to finish, just over 6.5 hours.
Pretty sure gold is a pain to get right (or somewhat decent). I also tried to focus more on light direction, but i realized i should have probably not mirrored uvs. Modeling was done yesterday night so i didn't really knew what I was doing hehe
Also the grey/brownish part was actually supposed to be a hole but i didn't get it till this morning when i checked the concept art again xD.
These look great!