Hi, I went onto 3d max studio today to finally begin learning character design, however I noticed that all my viewports besides my perspective view have just outlines and I am not sure how I managed this, I presume I caught a button or something. The viewports don't even seem to have the text in the top left corner anymore.
If someone could help me fix this problem it would be appreciated

Couldn't say what would make the text disappear, though. Maybe someone else can chime in.
Could corrupt video card drivers, try installing the latest.
Could be the graphics mode, try Customize menu > Preferences > Viewports > Configure Driver.
Could be you need to quit Max, delete 3dsmax.ini, and restart.
Eric I tried your suggestions and it showed no chance, however I was unable to configure the driver as the option is blacked out.
Also a re-install may be in order. Have you restarted the PC lately?
Thank you Eric for the help, now if only I was good at 3D modeling :P