Hi there!
I've searched the forums for some guidelines on how to sculpt metals in Zbrush. I'm not very skilled sculpting, and I'm a bit lost on where to start to make metals look like metals. Usually I go with 3dsMax to make hard surfaces, but it doesn't seem feasible for this cartoony/damaged/weary metal cauldron I'm trying to make. Any insights on how should I begin?
Thanks in advance. And sorry if this is a silly question or it is answered somewhere.
PS.:Here is some reference on the kind of metal sculpting I'm looking for.Hope it helps.

Uploaded with
ow now there is an image
import it into zbrush and use the orb cracks brush available here http://vimeo.com/26399689 to make the indent cuts
rough up the surface with either the clay or claytubes on a low opacity
What makes metal believable is usually good textures and a good material to go along with your model