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[Unity] Medieval Interior Mine.

polycounter lvl 11
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Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
Hi. First of all, sorry for my english :D

I started new project: The medieval interior mine. It's all on Unity, for my technical reasons (low spec PC). It's set to Fantastic Quality, and it's Deffered Lightning. I'll don't use Lightmaps, because beast baking some artifacts, even if I change the resolution.

So for now I have concept, and the blockout from Max:

raipai-mi_nrnrnqw.jpg szkic003j_nrnrepr.jpg screen000_nrnreph.jpg screen001_nrnrepx.jpg screen002_nrnrepn.jpg

Hope, that I'll finish this. Any ideas on how to manage the lights (I'll work on them when I made the assets and textures) or how to make this mechanism will be helpfull.


  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    Upping the lightmap resolution won't do much for artifacts if you don't increase the number of bounces (2 minimum) and the number of rays (minimum 500).

    For lights, consider the strength and position of the lights to be realistic - just put them where they should be.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Are you certain the uvs are lightmap friendly?

    I like it already, interesting composition.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Brendan, it doesn't work. I also mapped on second UV channel the model, but with no positive results.

    Spoon I don't know, how they could not be friendly with the lightmaps.

    So I started sculpting the floor tiles:

    screen_003.jpg screen_004.jpg

    And this is what I want to get:

  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Guy's I need your help. Give me an idea, what stone floor I can do for the mine floor. I have something like this, but I'm not happy with the result:

    screen_005.jpg screen_006.jpg

    I started new sculpt now, but your ideas might be helpfull.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    I think the floor is actually good, but maybe a mine would need a more rough one (missing stones, broken, etc.). This one is like for a part of a castle imo.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    Hmm, I can't imagine why a mine would ever have a castle floor like that - That is a lot of work for something that is going to be dug up eventually.

    I would invest some time on the rest of the scene, use your floor you have now for a placeholder and see if you can get a feel for what the floor might actually be later. I think you'll find that it won't be the castle stone you have now, but if anything, it will be mud with random rock debris scattered on top to break it up.

    Things like wooden walkways were very common in mines, so that workers didn't get trapped in mud. I think you would benefit from investigating that a bit. I'd go with dirt, pebbles, rocks, mud and if you do need a pathway, some sort of derelict shattered wood path would be cool. You could tell some cool stories with it, imagine a rock fell from the ceiling and crushed a section of the pathway, imagine someone was stealing wood from it and putting it in other spots, or using the wood to repair the archway structures.

    Anyhow, keep going. Not a huge fan of the castle floor in this instance though.


    Then again, looking at your concept one more time, that floor works pretty well in it. So, you might just have to throw it down and work with it for a while and see if you can make it work!
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