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Going to Conventions worth it?

polycounter lvl 3
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poly_bob polycounter lvl 3
Specifically for the networking and job fair part.

I'm trying to get my foot in the door and finding it really difficult to do so when I don't know anyone in the industry. I've been thinking about going to Siggraph 2013 in July and maybe GDC Next in Nov.

I have very limited funds and traveling and attending these events can get expensive.

So I was wondering, do you think its worth going?

Has anybody here ever gone to a convention and connected with a someone who got you into the industry?


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    have you looked into local (or local-ish) game developer gatherings? I don't know how far away from NYC you are but there should be a few there. For example Austin, which isn't a big city, has the Juegos Rancheros indie dev meetup, an annual IGDA Austin picnic, the monthly game dev beer night and the occasional Polycount meetup (that really should happen more often :P)
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    IGDA has a lot of chapters, chances are you may live close to one of the main cities. I'm sure it varies depending on the city, but they probably have a few gatherings or something.

    Personally I don't have much experienced with conventions. The SF GDC was my first and I didn't land a job, but I got plenty of professional portfolio reviews(which led to a better perspective on where I want to end up) and a lot of business cards. If you want to save money, the Expo pass is good enough if you just want to network. Aside from the parties, being out on the floor with all of the company booths is probably the best place to network and get feedback.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The best part for networking is the parties, you don't even need to go to the expo. You can also network on the forums, google+, and IRC.
  • poly_bob
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    poly_bob polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks everyone.

    I definitely will make my online presence more visible.
    Networking is always hard when you're just starting out.

    @Justin Meisse and @leleuxart
    I've been looking into IGDA. I looked into the Vancouver chapter, but it seems non existent. And NYC chapter, which isn't as active as I thought it would be.

    Thanks for the advice.
    and thanks for making your "Production Studio Database". Will definitely add a bunch of those studios onto my spreadsheet
  • nyx702
    Unless it's local IMO no. If you are jobless and going there to look for a job it's not worth the price of a plane ticket + hotel + food + convention ticket. Now if your company pays for it... that is another story...
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    Most conventions aren't worth the hefty price. Some are. In the early days the Conceptart.org workshops were DEFINITELY worth the price. Haven't heard much about them in the past 5-6 years or so though. Pax/PaxEast can be worth it if you're local-ish, since they're sooo cheap (compared to GDC/Siggraph). Definitely look into IDGA. Also look into gamejams like Global Game Jam and the such. If you can't afford to go to a conference you can always VOLUNTEER for one.

    One thing to keep in mind regarding face-to-face networking: oftentimes, at least back when I was 'breaking in' it wasn't about "meeting someone who was already in the industry who could help get you a job". Those people don't go to all *that* many social things and when they want to hang out with old friends, NOT you.

    The people who you should network with are the other people like yourself--other people trying to get into the industry...other people working on their skills, etc. And it's not called networking at that point, it's just called 'making pals'. If you connect with a bunch of people like yourself, even if NONE of you are pro, then the whole group can often help each other with finding work down the road. There's an osmosis factor that happens with groups like that once some of them DO find pro work. Then, when you go to conventions, it'll be to see those "old friends". :-)

  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 4
    I'm curious about the google hangouts and IRC. What channels are good for people trying to expand their network for both learning and getting a job? And how can you get into those google hangouts? Does polycount hold hangouts/have an official IRC channel?
  • poly_bob
  • poly_bob
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    poly_bob polycounter lvl 3
    Hmm... yea I think I'll look into more local stuff

    WOW awesome post. What you said is actually kind of inspiring. Can't wait until I get to that point where I go to conventions and see "old friends"
  • scarfeimaya
    I've only been to one convention and it seemed to really help me improve my skill. I also learned a lot of new tools and techniques. I think it is essential to go to one.
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