Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: PaulW

Hello and welcome to my sketchbook

Stuff to expect:
- Concept Art, or rather sketches
- Environment Art related
- Some practicing
- Mostly for personal UDK Projects

First Screens taken directly from UDK, an Environment I'm working on in my sparetime.
Props, Textures etc. all my work. Progress is at about 30-50% depending on the area, with most Assets being "WorkInProgress". Outdoor will come next, giving me bad headaches already...I want a nice vista out there.
So well, yeah ... I'd like to get this finished sometime next year.
Next step would be getting Outdoor Environment started and finished, Characters done and animated to make a cinematic from this, as I'm trying to get a First-Person Game done, sometime... So the main purpose is learning to get this done as far as I get.

Its going to be a rather large Chemical Plant Scenario. A bunch of environment specific Assets is halfway done, maybe something for the next update.


So, thats that for now, I'm out.

Critics and suggestions are very welcome, would help me fasten up the whole process at least a little, so I would appreciate it alot.


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