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Ludum dare - The Unseen

My First Ludum Dare entry and my first ever (personal) released game to the public.
w - forward movement
s - backward movement
a - left movement
d - right movement
left mouse - pulse (used to see the world for a brief moment
right mouse - explosion (uncovers a portion of the world)
r - restart level
esc - exit game (will add this as a fix)

Instructions at the start of the game! Enjoy.
Don't forget to use the pulse and explosions otherwise it's extremely challenging!
Save an explosion til the end(you will need it to find yourself!)

Entry page - http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-26/?action=preview&uid=22981

Windows - http://www.andrewstairs.com/TheUnseen_LudumDare_AndrewStairs_Lamprabbit.rar
Mac - http://www.andrewstairs.com/TheUnseen_Mac.zip
Linux - http://www.andrewstairs.com/TheUnseen_Linux.rar


  • walkonsky
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    walkonsky polycounter lvl 11
    great game! like someone on your ludum dare entry page already said, the moment when you realize where you are is the best about that game. maybe you shouldn't advertise the game with pictures that are to clear about where the game takes place... i was lucky not to have paid too much attention to them ;)

    however, i was unable to finish the game in the 10 minutes i played it. honestly, i lost the motivation to try again... i might try again later, though.
    the blue pickup that temporarily reveals the world does not really work well for me. i couldn't really make out what was in front of me. if you plan on improving the game, thats maybe something to work on...
  • LampRabbit
    Thanks, I know the feeling you're talking about because I had the same thing when i first did it ... even though I built the game. If I do continue to make this game better I already have a long list of improvements, the main ones being -

    Tighter collison
    Player animation feedback for if you hit something and what direftion it was in
    Improved pulse (in my mock up it worked way better but I just ran out of time to UV all the tiles so its currently just using whatever random UVs exist .. thast why its so hard to read. Plus it could be slower.
    The goal isn't very clear

    In the full game id also like to add an actual story, make the spirit have a few lives rather than instant death and have more power ups.
  • LampRabbit
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