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"Ghost of a Tale"

!!For the sake of clarity, all the screenshots and videos posted here are made within Unity 3d!!

The crowdfunding campaign is still going on right now: http://www.igg.me/at/ghost-of-a-tale and with 23 days to go the campaign is only at about a third of the budget. So if you would like to give "Ghost of a Tale" a chance to exist, please go to this page and see if you can help... :icon60:

Here's the alpha trailer video I mentioned earlier:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOi04BRQI1k"]Ghost of a Tale - New Alpha Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

And here's just a quick little turntable video to get a better view of the main character:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYLazhXN8hs"]Ghost of a Tale - Mouse - YouTube[/ame]

As I say in the video description, this model is a very temporary asset, so many technical things are not yet sorted out, among which:

- Cloth shader is extremely basic
- Fur shader does not yet support self-shadowing or even cast shadows
- Body texture and mesh are far from final (especially the feet!)
- Etc...

Original post:

Hi guys,

So far my only contribution to this forum has only been in the MayaCE3 thread (the CryEngine Maya exporter I wrote a while back). But today I thought I'd talk a little bit about about the game I'm working on, called "Ghost of a Tale".

You play as a little mouse exploring the mysterious Island of Periclave, which is reputed to be haunted!

The development itself is going quite smoothly and I'm learning every day! I use Unity 4.1 and so far I really like its simplicity and elegance. The animation manager is amazing (Mecanim). Which is really important for me (I've supervised animation on a couple of Dreamworks movies), as I can easily and visually control transitions in a pretty granular manner.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the project:


It's really exciting for me to be able to work entirely on my own, after so many years of working in teams (movie-making is really a collaborative process). It forces me to face my own limitations and learn to improve. So I guess it's also a bit scary. But most of all it's really A LOT of work!


I'll be launching a crowdfunding campaign tomorrow (April 2nd), so I wanted to get the word out. Since I don't know anybody in the video-game business (or specialized journalists) I'll have to rely on word-of-mouth...

I'll post a link to a new gameplay video tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you like the project!



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