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Substantial Games (Beijing) – Seeking Art Director

Substantial Games is a new Beijing games studio unlocking the potential of core gaming on tablets. We're making a competitive RTS game, think Warhammer meets Total War.

We are looking for an Art Director to join our management team. We're looking for someone who is:

• A games vet – someone who has first-hand experience with the full art pipeline and who can lead and mentor other artists.
• Professional and driven – someone we can trust and give a lot of creative space to, and who we know can get things done.
• Loves games, film, comics, etc. – we are developing an original IP and want someone with a ton of ideas and inspiration to draw from.

What you'll get with this opportunity:

• Lead – unleash your creative ambitions and help create an original game universe. You will define the thematic and stylistic direction– noone else.
• Collaborate – work with intelligent and capable teammates who will respect your craft (as you will with theirs!)
• Create – work on something that is worthy of your time: raise the bar for games on tablets.
• Equity – get your fair share of success.
• Beijing – we'll help you get setup in, live in, and thrive in one of the fastest-moving cities in the world.

To apply, send an email to jobs@substantial-games.com with your portfolio, resume, and a short description of who you are and what you are looking for.



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