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Cannot Connect verticies in 3ds MAx

polycounter lvl 6
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manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
is there anyway of welding collapsing these two verticies? I know some of you have run into these problems before, this is a very annoying situation



  • Mark Dygert
    Are both of those edges open?
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Usually it comes down to one of these things

    -Try selecting a vert and move it up/down and see if there is actually 2 verts on top of each other or some sort of hidden face

    -Select an edge and drag it out, see if there is something weird

    -Select a poly and delete it and see if there is some sort of overlapping going on

    If that still doesn't work, delete the face on the right, and make it again (shift drag edge, target weld to the existing verts from the polys around it), and then recreate the poly on the left, and see if it works now.

    Also try checking (doesn't seem to be the case, but you never know) if one of the polys isn't facing the wrong direction (trying to collapse a point of a polygon to another one that is "inverted" so to say)
  • manilamerc
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    manilamerc polycounter lvl 6
    Are both of those edges open?

    i believe so yes. Here is a better picture

  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    It wont collapse as the face it is trying to 'replace' is not open so it wont work. If you deleted the face 'under' the once you are trying to weld down it will work, seems like a bit of a strange topology though, as you just have floating vertex's along the edge and onces that seem to be under the faces.
  • ThePropagation
    I attached these two separate polys and the vertices wont weld. Some of them will for some reason, but others wont. I still don't understand why the vertices won't weld when some around the ring of open faces will weld. Is there a way I can tell if a face is open or not? When I delete the face to use Create on the vertices it says "illegal face"
  • mikiex
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    mikiex polycounter lvl 5
    I think in xview There are a number of useful additions you can turn on.
    That can show up bad geo.


    Also the STL modifier you can add at the top of the stack, can test for stuff not suitable for STL - Although this is to do with 3d printing it used to be what I used to check for weird geo.
    Though I think xview has surpassed this.
  • nksilver5
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    nksilver5 polycounter lvl 5
    there must be a face between them, or a vertex that is doubled, or maybe an edge that is supperposed to the other edge.

    As mikiex said, run a STL modifier above your stack, and check " check everything ", you will see all the errors in your model.

    After its just clean up :) Also try to target weld the point if when you select the two points, and right mouse " collapse " still doesn't work
  • ThePropagation
    So I ran the STL modifier, and none of the options show faces except open faces. All of these are open faces, but they won't merge. I delete them, and re-extrude them, but they won't work. Some won't weld together. When I bridge Two edges it makes a twisted face, and I can't make it not do that.
  • mikiex
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    mikiex polycounter lvl 5
    Without data its very hard to tell what the problem is. You could try a couple of clean up things. You could upload a max file somewhere (letting us know which version of Max it is from).

    Try this first though.

    In polyobject mode, face mode. select all the faces and detach them to a new object.
    Then delete the old object. On the new object use reset xforms, then try again.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    And if THAT don't work, export it as an OBJ (or other very simple, text-based format) and reimport it - that often clears up weirdnesses that can creep in.
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