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Tortoise Island

Hi everybody! Here's a project I'm working on. I am a student at The Game Assembly in Malmö, Sweden, and this will hopefully be in my portfolio when I am done with it. Lots of work left though :P

The plan is to make a floating island in UDK with a sacred statue of a tortoise-god and have tortoises walk around it. I am going for a handpainted style, but haven't really decided just excactly HOW handpainted I want it.

Also, I've never used UDK before, so I'm expecting a lot of blood and tears on the way. But I'm super amazed with what I've seen others do with the tool so I'll do my best to learn it.


Concept and more refs:

The only thing I've done thus far: A tortoise, both High Poly and Low Poly. The Diffuse isn't finished at all and there still isn't any specular map. I just tossed it into UDK to get a feel of the finished result while I was working.

The tortoise-ref I've been using the most. Note that it is mostly its colour and texture I like, my own tortoise-mesh is a mix of about 30 different tortoises.

Please give me your support and critique, this is the biggest project I've ever attempted in 3d. :D


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