For me I got tons. Such as:
Maxwell Atoms's Billy and Mandy
Oh man, even though I always drew, it was this show that pushed me over to edge to seriously consider drawing.
Lawren S. Harris
I recently visited the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) and was blown away when I saw this guy's work. The artstyle is super vivid and has just the right amount of soft lighting to it.

Alot of Pixar/Disney Animation stuff
I definitely like Pixar's work. They were the originals who combined CG graphics and cartoons and ended up with something that looks good in harmony. The nomination for Disney Animation is because of Paperman! Yeah, I even made a thread about
emulating the technique behind it because that's just how much it impacted me.
Looney Tunes
A good reminder of how important having animated expressions are.
and brian bolland because, well he is just awesome:)
Geoff Darrow: The details man, the details!
Tomer Hanuka of Tropical Toxic Contemporary illustration at its finest.
Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz, Tank Girl). The guy just oozes style.
And then theres Ashley Wood. (Popbot, MGS, WWR) The dude has made a living off of painting robots and sexy ladies.
David Levy and all the other steambot studio guys
Mr Jack
Scott Robertson
Feng Zhu
John Park
Syd mead
Frank Fazetta
2000 AD
Why? Coz they do mind blowing fantasy and Scifi concept sketching and artwork.
Hal Foster
Jeff Jones
NC Wyeth
Howard Pyle
Berni Wrightson (a bit more modern, but still)
As to the why, I feel like those guys have figured out a lot of the stuff that we still use today. And I also feel like a lot of that stuff was forgotten. They've solved problems that we are now trying to re-solve for some reason. It seems to me like there's a lot we can learn from those guys. I just wish they were better documented.
Also Paul Steed.
And the most badass of all in my mind:
I realise most of my inspiration comes from game-specific concept art; and it's probably not good to be so limited. Note to self, I will check out all the artists posted in this thread!
Range Murata: Master of refinement.
Shunya Yamashita: For me, the biggest influence on my work in terms of female face / body shape & lines.
Makoto Shinkai: He made it possible for me to see beauty in the most mundane things. His use of color, and lighting / shadows is phenominal.