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RPG Maker VX Ace

polycounter lvl 12
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Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
interesting potential but I want to know if a final product is good enough (made with custom assets) would be able to sell on the market? is this viable for say steam?


Or should I not even waist my time investing in this?


  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Of course its possible! check out http://store.steampowered.com/app/206440/ To The Moon! :)

    I would personally go with something more like Game Maker, still very easy to get started with but also easier to break the mould set for you with RPG maker!
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    I think it depends if your planning on making millions or not man, check how many rpgmaker games are hitting their targets on kickstarter. Theres more than I thought there was :)

    Sure many are only asking for 5 - 10k etc but for a one man team, on a little budget making a little game / telling a little story. Thats better than a kick in the pants.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Nothing wrong with RPG-maker, you can make a lot of stuff in it with just the tools available to you. Ahh I remember the good old days when I actually made whole games in it, great stuff.

    I guess you could also make 3d-art and make sprites out of everything. Building modular tilable sets for environments and buildings etc etc. Maybe do something more to get away from that typical RPG-maker look.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    If you specifically want to make an old-school style 2D JRPG, than I would say go for it. The engine is fairly mature, and has plenty of features. I would imagine that it wouldn't be that hard to learn. And the price is actually quite reasonable, at $70 it's only slightly more expensive than most modern retail games. That's a very reasonable price for a capable game editing suite.

    If you want to make slightly more flexible titles, you will want a more flexible toolset, such as Unity. But if your heart is set on old-school JRPGs, and you just want to make the content, RPG Maker XV Ace looks like a solid choice.
  • rogueNoodle
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    And the price is actually quite reasonable, at $70 it's only slightly more expensive than most modern retail games. That's a very reasonable price for a capable game editing suite.

    I'm sure others have noticed this, but now until Thursday, it's only $34.99 (50% off) on Steam - thinking about picking it myself, if only just to mess with for a bit. I love the look and feel of old-school RPG's and had some fun with To The Moon as well :)
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Yeah, I was thinking about picking this up. I've had an RPG idea in my head for a while.

    I don't think RPG maker has any limitaions when it comes to selling a game made with it. As long as you don't mess with code or modify texture packs and sell them on as new texture packs. If anyone knows of any other limitation let me know thanks. TBH, i'd probably make any games I make with it free, but you never know.
  • Hiraether
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    The 1st place to look is on STEAM as their Workshop is growing rapidly.
    As far as sales are concerned, RPG Maker games are doing really well.
    Note how there aren't any bad reviews. It's really surprising how the community accepts this sort of amateur game style if the game is good. Some of them are modded out, but most rely heavily on the resources provided (royalty free) by RPG Maker & its community.
    Always Sometimes Monsters is a great example of a RPG Maker game that's done very well.
    My advice would be to wait for a STEAM sale where RPG Maker & its DLC typically goes 75% off. However, even at full retail price it is far cheaper than any other way to produce a full game. The putting your game on Greenlight is $100. It's a very practical way to go.

    In so much as code and texture packs (tile sets) you are free to mod them at will if you purchased them. You may then sell these *full games* as you will, so long as the modded content is in your game and not repacked for individual sale. If you know Ruby you can virtually turn the game inside out, even making it run 3D. In fact, most of us use the packs as a starting point to make what we need using Game Character Hub http://store.steampowered.com/app/292230/ or even just gimp or photoshop. I really like Art Rage 4 for it's tracing tool, so that I know the dimensions are correct. http://store.steampowered.com/app/231180/

    Hope that was helpful~ I've been in a few failed groups so I've started contributing my art to the workshop instead. I only have 2 Parallax background / title screen up at the moment, but I have a ton of unused art from Bryce that I'm uploading.
    You're all welcome to use my work as it's a free resource, so long as ya' give me props.
    Good luck! ( ;^_^)b
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