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Choose the best pose?


I am getting ready to render my work for demo reel and I am trying to deicide which 3 will be my 360 shots. I would like your opinions on which look best and if thers any changes that would make it better. Keep in mind I am a recent graduate and I kno my models need plenty of work. The weights were also done real quick so there will be some more refining.

Anyways please pick the 3 poses you like best.






  • anarcy
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    i dont know about A but i like B4 and C4. if you have backgrounds on the character that would help a lot for emotions and actions that the pose should represent eg. if he/she is a hard born killer whose lost all his family, he would be very militaristic and stand tall. On the other hand if he/she was a drop out then they would have more of a slouched position.

    I feel a relaxed pose like C2/B4 is good because with the other poses you sorta need context to whats the actions is for.

    I suggest looking at a ton of show-reels on YouTube and see witch is the most common
  • C86G
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    C86G greentooth
  • Stefan_Martens
    I saw a turntable(360) a while back, I think it was here on polycount. Which had the character do a little animation while rotating. It was very well done and looked really fancy.

    Anyways, my point is. It might give your turntable a little more ZING if you choose two poses and let the character animate between those two.

    (If I remember correctly the turntable was of a girl with wings, maybe someone could post a link?)
  • Stefan_Martens
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I think using A3, B4 and C4 would make for a pretty consistent group shot as they're all kind of relaxed.

    You should definitely flip the weapon of A3 because right now he's blunting his weapon. And C4's weapon needs to be further back over the shoulder to balance it properly, and relax his left arm a bit.

    B4 needs the most tweaking I think. Her body balance is fighting with itself a bit (conflicting swooshy curves of motion and lines for the eye to follow.) and she seems to be leaning on the gun, which gives a very rickety pose. I think you need to make her stand on her own, and then just hold the top of the gun, so the gun rests on her stability instead of her resting on the guns stability. Like so:
    Also, that left hand on the hip looks majorly uncomfortable.
  • 3DCharlie
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    Hey I think the character A's best pose is between 4 and 5. The characters knees just need to be bent a bit more to give him a relaxed less statue like feel. If the the chest on 4 is extended out forwards more it might give the character some agressive assertiveness, other than A looks great.

    For character B I would go for B-4 because at the end of the day sex sells, so putting that slight slant on the hips really feminises the character a bit. Try not to exaggerate though as you want to keep the overal soldier look.

    For character C number 4 seems to be a winner as it shows off the weight in the weapon and the flex of the characters muscles.
    Overal great work :)
  • Beastacular
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    @ anarcy, I know the bg helps alot and so do the textures. Unfortunately I am trying to juggle too many things at the time and the bg was on bottom of the list. sorry. i will post link when complete.

    @ Stefan, I thought about doing an idle animation but from what I have seen on the net no one seems to be using animations when doing 360 shots. i could be wrong though.

    @ Snader, I will address the COM issue and shift the weight a lil.

    Thanks for all feedback. keep em coming.

    I am leaning towards A-3, B-4, C-1, (maybe C-4)
  • RMeeks
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    A3,B4,C4 or C2.
  • Stefan_Martens
    @Beastacular, that's exactly the reason you should do it.. otherwise I totally agree with RMeeks.
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