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castle/temple like environment for student project caligo (portfolio env)

polycounter lvl 12
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rockdude86 polycounter lvl 12
Thought i'd make a thread for this one to get some more feedback.
The environment was made for a student game called caligo (myst) a platformer/exploration game in which you control two characters.
you start at the bottom of the level and have to work your way up with both of them. the protagonists are two girls that both have different abilities, one is really big the other pretty small and during their climb they would have to solve puzzles and help each other out to progress. anyway the project got derailed due to most of our team members ending up in internship business. I decided to continue on the environment for my portfolio and this is how far i got during the semester:

All modeling work done in max, textures (are pretty minimal) partially by me in photoshop and screenshots made in unity.

I am now working on the tree in my spare time, though already started on my next project and possibly getting into an internship position soon(hopefully) so progress is now slow. detailing the tree in zbrush is my main goal for this right now and possibly the rest of the assets to lift it to the next level if i can find the spare time.
The tree:


  • toolpaddz
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    toolpaddz polycounter lvl 10
    umm... flat lighting? Honestly, it looks like chaos to me. Maybe care to add (a) light source(s) and shadows?
  • rockdude86
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    rockdude86 polycounter lvl 12
    yeah lighting is pretty dull, the environment is missing a lot of stuff that was initially intended like statues, torches and a whole list of random props/rubble. Was working on this in a team of 6 people before it went limbo, so while i tried to finish it on my own proper lighting did not make the cut. appreciate the honest comment though :)
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