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Having a viewport nightmare

polycounter lvl 9
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Chase polycounter lvl 9
1) Viewport selection isn't working for face or element selections. When I have a texture assigned to my model and use face or element mode it only shows the outline of the selection.

2) And now for some reason 3Point Shader is bugging out when I apply a texture to my model. The shadowing is turned up and I can't even see the texture. Same thing is happening on another model when I apply a texture only half is viewable and the other side is completely dark. :poly142:



  • Sean VanGorder
    1. Try using F2 to toggle face outline selection

    2. I'm not sure what that issue is, I haven't really used 3Point Shader much. I was under the assumption that it didn't work correctly in 2012, with the Nitrous viewport at least. Try switching back to DirectX.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    1. Already tried F2. It seems as though it's just this particular model that it's doing this with. I tried exporting it and reimporting but that didn't work. I'd rather not have to redo the model haha

    2. This hasn't been an issue until just randomly today. I've been using 3Point for a year with Max2012 and haven't had any problems. It's giving this error on every model when combined with 3Point. I'm going to try downloading the Xoliul Shader and see what happens.
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  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Yep ive tried that as well
  • SlyRipper
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    SlyRipper polycounter lvl 6
    Sometimes the Viewport gets screwed.. like missplaced edgelines and you have to click above, or next to the actual vertex. To solve this you need to reset the Viewport, simply select one of the presets (front, perspective, etc.). Maybe this helps for this problem, too.

    While I think of F2 and flipped faces, maybe saving this file into an .obj and reimporting it to max could also help, because obj's are pretty old files and don't store much infos, therefore such errros in max could be removed with this. Try collapsing the stack and convert it to mesh and back to poly.

    Hope this helps a bit ^^
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Tried all off that and still nothing. This is quite frustrating since Xoliul Shader won't install properly. Now I'm without any shader :/ Is there a way to upload the obj and see if 3Point Shader gives you guys the same issue?
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Make sure Vertex channel display is off. If the shader needs it on make sure the vertex channel colors are set to white.

    Try installing the latest product updates. This has fixed the last few viewport rendering bugs here on Polycount.

    Do you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable installed? It's required by 3 Point Shader.

    Try turning off blackface cull. This may help you debug the issue.

    Try applying a Turn To Poly modifier. This will destroy/reset any custom normals that maybe causing the issue.

    Try merging the geo into a new scene.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Ok I downloaded Service Pack 1 and 2, Hotfix 1 and 2, but when I install the Product update I get this error


    I also downloaded the newest NVIDIA driver. Backfack cull was already turned off.

    Here's a weird thing I found though. The original material loaded using 3Point works just fine on if I apply it to any model. Even switching out Diffuses the lighting is correct. However, I'll get the awful shadows when creating a new material and loading a texture into 3Point. How's that work?
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    You only ever need to install the latest update. You don't need to install all of them. I don't know about the install error. I assume you did, but did you double check that you the proper 32-bit or 64-bit update?

    In any case, that's probably not the source of the problem since the default material works. Sorry, out of suggestions.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    I emailed the guys over at 3Point to see if they have a resolution. Are there any other popular shaders I could use besides this and Xoluil and 3Point?
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