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Help finding local artists to work with...

polycounter lvl 7
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CrashMagnum polycounter lvl 7
Does anyone have suggestions about how to find local artists to help on a game project? Finding people online isn't that hard but finding people located nearby is turning out to not be as easy. I'm the only artist on the project right now and its killing me trying to keep up with the project along with life. I'm looking for both 2d and 3d artists.

Does anyone know of sites that have location based searches?

I'm located in Baltimore MD if anyone knows of local places I could ask around for people.


  • maximumsproductions
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    maximumsproductions polycounter lvl 8
    I wish I knew as well. Would be neat to just know what/who goes around you for whatever case it may be...need a matchmaker for entertainment artists
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Hey CrashMagnum, I am in Baltimore! I currently do not have a lot of time, but I am interested to hear what you have going on. Maybe I could lend a hand.

    Another option is Linked In. I'm sure that has a search option by location and profession. I am on there so feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    CG/modding forums, IGDA or other local user/enthusiast groups, job boards at colleges. This will cost you some time, but then again that's why companies have HR people ;) You probably have to interview and screen people, but you should do that anyway for any serious project.

    In the worst case you can always contact suitable candidates directly (email, linkedin, PMs) and inquire. I don't think people will be offended as long as you're polite and have a pitch (i.e. art samples or a prototype) and don't come across as mindless spammer.
  • the_Adri
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    Post an ad on Craigslist or kijiji.
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