So I'm going to start my next character project, made from this awesome concept by Fernando Acosta:

So note, concept is not made by me! Visit fernandos portfolio at
http://cargocollective.com/facosta. The version I will be taking on is the one to the right, with the Academy Outfit.
I will be using Zbrush and Maya for the Highpoly, not sure if I will present the final lowpoly in UDK or Maya. I started out by making some kind of reference and materials sheet, trying to understand the biggest parts of this character. Excuse all the confusing lines.

Next, I will make a simple backside concept, since Fernando had not completed that part. He did help me with some reference ideas though, so I'm sure it will work out. Please check back here often for more updates, and feel free to comment anything you can think of, all critique is welcome!
So this is my progress on the back concept. Been avoiding the area where I have to design myself, sigh. Gonna make some tests tomorrow. Just been copying and picking colors, flipped the sillhouette and drew on that. You can really tell the same guy did not do the right one ^^
This is what Fernando himself though was inspiring for the back, a small jetpack, kinda lite minority report (Of course, this is not made by me either, if that's not obvious):
I'm gonna try out some designs tomorrow
Instead I started on a base model to build the character on, just to get the anatomy and proportions somewhat correct.
Please feel free to rip me a new one on anything anatomyrelated! I really need some feedback to figure out what's wrong. And yes, the face is very manly at the moment.
This is what I got so far:
I'm not there yet, but at least I'm learning alot from the progress. There's something not quite right with the proportions, her head area feels wrong witht the upper torso. Might be size of head, size of neck, I don't know, gonna look into it tomorrow. And the head is not nearly looking like the model, I'm not even sure it looks good at all.
Hopefully I can start on the blockout of the rest soon, Fernando will probably finish back-concept this weekend.
There's something strange about the armipit/shoulder area but i can't put my finger on it.
Also her abs are maybe too large, and now that i look back fingers may be on the short side too.
Hope it helps
Tried to make some changes to the proportions, made her a bit taller, longer legs mostly, longer upper arm, tried to fix the shoulder area, and worked some on the hands. Think I can start blocking out the armor and clothes soon, just waiting on that concept. In the meantime, please tell me anything you think I should change.
(Made by Fernando Acosta)
Fernando just delivered the rough concept of the back, and here it is. Gonna start blocking out the different parts of the character tomorrow. Check back then for more updates!
Started woking on blocking ut all the different pieces, using both maya and Zbrush.
Still a lot of pieces to make, but I'm happy with my progress, although I've had little time to work on it this week. Let me know if anything stands out, but there's gonna be a lot of tweaking when the blockout is done. And Most of it might look wrong because essential parts are missing.
Hair is just a reference, gonna figure out how to make hair later.
Stay tuned!
Didn't get to work that much on this today, but atleast I was able to tweak some things and add the "collar" and boots.
Also, don't be afraid to duplicate some of your subtools in zBrush and sculpt out some forms using dynamesh to get a feel for some of those hard surface details.
I'm a little afraid to go haywire in zbrush before having the base shape of all the pieces up, but as soon as I've blocked most of it out I will start playing around, getting a feel for the different shapes.
Managed to get some smaller parts blocked out today. Still got the jetpack/backpack to do, but after that i'd like to start defining some more of the bigger shapes before blocking out any more small details.
I kind of like this workflow I'm having right now, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to redo alot of it when I begin sculpting, so I'm gonna start trying stuff out now, see where it leads.
Check back soon!
Some more pieces blocked out, and started defining some of the bigger shapes more with details. Kind of just experimenting right now, gonna have to rework some of the areas probably, trying out different techniques for folds and wrinkles and whatnot.
Kind of happy with the overall look right now, but I'm sure there are loads of mistakes all arouind, feel free to point those out!
Long time since I got to work on this, been really busy with other projects. Anyway, got some small pieces blocked out, but nothing major. Starting to feel my workflow is a bit slow, really need to bring this highpoly to the finishline soon.
Check back, hopefully soon, for more updates!
And now, even more details! Still got some way to go though, planning to be done with the highpoly by the end of the weekend. Excuse all the similar images lately, but maybe it's a good way to show progress.
So my HP was basically finished last week, still got some tweaks to do before baking I think, but i'll see how it works out first. Gonna add alot of details in the texturing phase, as my HP is kind of basic shapes only.
Started on Lowpoly this week, and I'm nearly done, got some objects left and then I'm gonna optimize. Kind of fast workflow since I'd already built many of the parts for my Highpoly.
My goal polycount is around 12k tris. Next week I'm gonna do the UV, bakes and start texturing.
Stay tuned, cheers!
Been a long time since I posted, got lots to do at school atm.
It's coming along, started with the textures, but it's still really basic, mostly solic colors. Worked mostly on face for now, wanted to nail that first.
Also got some normalerrors which need fixing.
Please tell me what you think!
I feel like the freckles are slightly too intense. It may just be that it's a close up. I have had problems of the freckles vanishing because of mip-mapping. I don't know anything.
She seems slightly cross-eyed too. Are your eyes pointed straight forward?
Also, I feel it's really noticeable when hat bills are lower poly. It's hard to fix now but maybe next time bevel bill edges to make it look more round.
Love it!
Freckles might be too intense, will give more love to the details of the face, have too balance the intensity so it looks good enough on different distances. Eyes do point straight forward, going to try to make a pose for her soon, will adress the eyes then too
You are right about the bill, could propably use more polys. Could try and fix it, but as you say, might be too late. Will remember it next time at least.
Thanks for the feedback!
Late update, a little behind on this project, will need to finish it up soon. Worked on a pose, now trying to finalize textures.
Got some more texturing done, still not happy with some of the materials, but it's better at least. Aiming for having this done and up on portfolio by the end of the weekend.
Kind of have a feeling that's why I did a lot of normal fixing in Photoshop.
This isn't really the kind of plastic you're going for, but it was the best I could find to describe what kind of wear and tear I mean:
If you feel you don't wanna make any of those changes or that you're short on time, I think you should at least give her some more red and blue tones in her face and also work in some slight pores in all you're maps. Some darker areas would be good too, like around the top and sides of the eyes. If you're gonna improve anything, do the face, cuz I really think that would make a big difference.
Anyways, great work and see you tomorrow, Albin!... douche.
@Jadepanda: Retopo went fairly fast on this character, since I had modeled many of the different parts in maya before taking them in to Zbrush. All I had to do was to clean those meshes basically. Rest of retopo was made in zbrush, like for the face and body.
@Ged: Good point, will try to up the emissive on those lights!
@oskarreftel: Totally true, will try to focus on some subtle wear and tear for now. Also the face, think you're right that it will do a lot of difference. See you tonight!... douche.
Cheers guys!
I want to thank all of you for your awesome feedback, it has been really helpful!
And a special thanks to Fernando Acosta, who made the concept. Thank you very much for all the help along the way and for letting me use your concept in the first place, cheers!
@Torch: Thank you very much, that means a lot!
@ZeroStrike: Thank you! As for the strap, i totally can't make up a reason either. Kinda helps with asymmetry as you say, but logically, guess it shouldn't really be there.
I agree about the face specularity, would need to take some more time to fix that, will see if I have time between all the other projects!