This thread is going to be dedicated to a particular class I am taking at Gnomon School of VFX called Character For Games.
Our assignment is to create one finished game character in 10 weeks.
We find any piece of concept art we like, and execute!
I will be using a piece by the awesome artist Mike Franchina, from his blog
This is just a learning project, I am not taking credit for the concept or design, I am purely interested in learning the process for creating an engine ready character. I assure everyone there will be no monetary gains from this project! I just love the artwork and am very inspired to create it!!!
Update - 01
To start I was very excited to make the weapons, so I blocked them out in maya, keeping real world scale in mind.

I used Zbrush to create a base mesh for the character, once satisfied I brought that mesh into Maya for a little clean up and fixing the scale.

At this phase I am only concerned with the silhouettes.

More to come soon.
I wanted to reiterate the fact that I am just a student and this is just a learning project.
I forgot to post the piece of concept art this whole project will be based on so here it is..
Also I wanted to add that any and all critiques would be greatly appreciated! there are many fantastic artists here on polycount and I'd love to hear your opinions!!
Also here is the basic texture callout I have put together for the character.
More coming soon
I am still in the block out phase, which I personally think is the most fun.
I did a quick zbrush bust of the character's head to try and capture the volume so I could start building his armor pieces, it is still very rough.
I have also blocked in his helm, which as simple as it, I thought was a ton of fun
Let me know what you guys think!
I'm eager to see the end results, keep it on!
You said you were a student though; how much experience do you have doing 3D Modeling, may I ask?
@Stoop_Kid: I have been studying 3D for a little more than 2 years now.
I did some more work on the battle axe, using a cool technique from my instructor, Jackson Robinson, to help give the blade more detail while keeping the overall geo very low
I've gotten the rough volume of the character laid out in ZBrush, brought back a lower subdivision to maya in order to block in all the gear/armor.
Let me know what you guys think! and if you have any tips or tricks about sculpting hands feel free to let me know
I'll be putting in a lot more hours tomorrow and will probably have another update by thursday night/friday morning..
moar coming!
Continued blocking out, getting closer to the finish of this phase.
Next goal is to sculpt up the body, hands and feet
Here is where I am at.
Here is the left arm armor
More to come soon.
I am pretty much done with the modeling!
I added some quick shaders to help show the material separation..
Now i just need to retopologize some parts, and tweak some pieces here and there.
I am wondering if I should add more stuff on the back.. what do you guys think?
The modeling and retop is now 100% done!
heres the proof.....
poly budget: 20,000 triangles
actual mesh: 15,989 Triangles (base included)
I think that # may go up just a bit once i add some cards for the fur.. but it shouldn't be very much more than that.
The head retop
Hand retop, do you guys think i could get away with more polys?
crotch shot
this shows some cool modeling techniques on the knees and hands for better deformation once skinned
same deal with the elbows.. + cape topology!
Let me know what you guys think.
Now its time for UVs.
The UVing is done and now i am working on the hand painted textures.
I'm really glad that everyone is liking the model so far, but the downside is that I have not gotten any critiques! which i suppose is a good thing, BUT, with this next phase of the process i think i will be needing some assistance so let me know how you guys think its progressing!
This is obviously just a WIP but here it is. just screen caps in maya with no lights
Let me know what you guys think!