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.50 Caliber Sniper Rifle.

Hey everyone.

I'm not much into the first person shooters.

A lot of my assets are fantasy related but recently I've been striving to
improve the technical aspects with the ultimate goal of turning this hobby into a money making job and... It's hard to find a modern day video game that doesn't have guns, bombs, and psychic hot Asian chicks with breasts disproportionate to their genetic heritage - which I'll enthusiastically get to modeling those other things later.

For now...

This is mostly finished. Might go back and add a couple of minor things. Then
I'll attempt to create a low poly model for usability in a game engine.

Normals ain't a strong point of mine. I've managed to create some simpler
critters that turned out decent but usually end up screwing this part up.

Will update after have that, textures, and bump map completed.

What do you think - is this be considered professional quality or could something be done to improve it?





  • StormHertz
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    StormHertz polycounter lvl 8
    Some things I instantly notice:

    Why are there two magazines, placed behind and in front of the grip? It seems redundant, and the bolt action would have a lot of issues if it had to load from two magazines at once. If you were to remove one, it would most likely have to be the rear mag, as it would be very cumbersome for the sniper to reload. Also, if this is a .50 caliber anti-materiel rifle, the magazine's length would need to be increased. A .50 cal shell is massive, as it's supposed to penetrate light armor and complete obliterate engine blocks.

    The stock has an odd design that makes the front of it look like a rear facing grip. I doubt that's actually it's purpose, but it's initial design threw me off.

    And one other nitpick that isn't as important, would be the barrel length. Sniper rifles are all about accuracy, and with a rifle as large as this one, you'd want it a bit longer. The barrel is usually quite long for high-caliber rifles, to increase the spin of the exiting bullet, and overall increase it's accuracy and effective range.

    Here's a reference picture of a Barrett M82, which is what your rifle most resembles in design:

    Notice the very long length of the barrel, and the massive magazine located in front of the trigger guard. Also, the bolt action is massive on an M82 to assist with removing the behemoth .50 caliber shells (it takes alot of strength to pull it back and push it forward). Your action seems a bit small, and is in an awkward position (actions are usually always above or in front of the trigger mechanism) for the operator, as they would need to do some odd motions to reach that far back.

    Other than that, you're definitely going in the right direction. The model looks clean, and you've done the model good with those nice body angles. It's common to see rifles or weaponry that are intended for modern-day games, completely covered with noisy attachments or unnecessary knobs and bolts all over the body itself.

    Keep on working on it! I'm very curious to see where you plan on going with the textures and maps for this model.

    EDIT: I've completely missed the point that this rifle is based off the DSR-1/DSR-50, so feel free to ignore my little rant up there.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    StormHertz, some rifles are set up with a ready mag in the stock for quick reloads (the DSR-1 is the first one that comes to mind, since that's what OP looks to have patterned that portion off of).

    I like it. : )

    EDIT: It IS a DSR-1. My memory is better than I thought. It's very close, as well...

  • Kubajaniak
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    Kubajaniak polycounter lvl 8
    Hey bblotus u want to create DSR or only similar rifle?
  • StormHertz
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    StormHertz polycounter lvl 8

    Wow, I completely forgot that rifle even existed! Forgive my ignorance, it seems my memory failed me once again.

    A question though, wouldn't the DSR-1 be the .300/.308 version? I think there is a .50 caliber variant called the DSR-50, however, I don't remember the exact differences in design.
  • bblotus
    That's funny not the kind of critiques I was expecting! What StormHertz said is probably correct about this actually being the .300 something. My search started at .50 then I just ended up with what I thought looked cool and this caught my attention because of it's dual clips and other unusual features not normally seen.

    Impressive that GarageBay actually recognized it as the DSR. You must really know your firearms.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    It actually looks great i think. Very close to the original DSR-1 design. Think it could be easy to change it into the .50 design as well. (and you get to keep a dsr-1 for the future ;) )

    This is the .50:

    Only notable changes between the DSR-1 to the DSR-50 are (quoted from the website): (not visable) which include hydraulic recoil buffer in buttstock and (visable) special 'blast compensator' barrel attachment, which serves as a muzzle brake and also reduces flash and sound of the muzzle blast.

    Overal i like it a lot. They also shoot great :) Let us know what you're going to do. Keep it, or change it..

    Edit: There are other muzzlebrakes btw. But this one is as far as i know the most used one.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    That's gonna bake great too, cause the edges aren't too sharp. Nice job.
  • bblotus
    Might throw in some different scopes and barrel suppressors for variation but mostly satisfied with the overall look. I'm struggling with how to approach creating a low poly version. 1,500-3,000 poly's. I'll try making it symmetrical by putting an edge loop in the center, separating the gun into different groups(handle, barrel, clips, scope), then using 3D Coat for the retopo. Overall I estimate will probably take me over 4-6 hours. I don't mind the time just hope I manage to do it right. I've watched a bunch of tutorials on Normals but they are still a mystery to me.
  • bblotus

    Missed my target and ended up in the high 3,000 faces which is a little high for a single prop but kept it that way as I'd like to err on the side of too many poly's for preserving detail than end up not being enough.

    Haven't even gotten to burning maps yet as just setting up the UV's are driving me crazy. This thing can be divided into 500 different parts and places like the barrel with the sub barrel inside isn't too obvious where to split it at.

    How long does it usually take you (the pro's) to finish a asset?
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