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I've always loved the Combine soldiers from Half-Life 2. Something about their strange gas mask, and how their voices sound, not to mention this in-game graffiti:

So I figured doing a quick bust of one would be a good way to practice my hard-surface character workflow. Still working on polishing up lines, and adding more details before I start on the low-poly, but here's what I've got so far.

Could you add a Coat in the final? Like on that famous concept, it totally would be badddass
Also, I decided it would be fun to explore what the Combine look like with their mask off. Still want to push it a bit more into the 'disturbing' range.
I suppose a picture would do more good than my vague description:
Regardless, I like that whole "Man and Machine as one" feel coming from the suit being attached to his scalp.
I would also love to see the full character, with all his gear loaded in the back.Should be fun stuff to do so go go go!!:D
The advisers are the Slug like aliens.
Really clean work man, looks awesome.
Spent some time trying out a bunch of ideas on the face, and wasn't happy with any of them. Giving it a little rest while I polish up the mask and such.
Just some minor changes to a lot of details:
But not Metrocops, no-no-no. Just regular humans. Betrayers, but not ugly.
Great sculpt anyway. Face is supossed to be hidden, so I shouldnt even care.
By the way, if you're going to make it low poly, you may want to complie it on Source engine (which has a free skd) - fans will like it.
Great polish!
After reading all the feedback, trying some designs, and thinking on it a bit, I decided to leave the face basically as-is. He may be more modified than a Metrocop really should be, but I wanted to get something a little off-putting in there. At the same time, going nuts with metal plates or alien features probably isn't right for a cop.
I want it to look like he never really takes the mask off, and even though he may be a volunteer police officer, he's been assimilated into the Combine for life. Hopefully that comes across.
you captured a nice metro cop look so, good job
On a more serious note, that is some seriously badass work.
You necessarily need to add some polygons on his head. Now its looks like dhead from doom3
The eyes are a little too big, maybe ?
@radiancef0rge Rendered in Marmoset.
@elykk Yeah, the eyes are definitely too large. I was hoping it would add to the unsettling saggy look of his face, but maybe it doesn't come off correctly? The idea is that they've been replaced or augmented with some cybernetic tech so they don't quite fit right anymore.
@polygoo The forehead tattoo is a bold statement for sure. I figure this guy is in it for life. I thought about at least making it more faded, but without much (any?) sunlight exposure the ink would stay pretty dark.
@DKK Haha, believe it or not I hadn't considered Robocop until now. The bald head and seam where it connects to the back are pretty similar though, now that you mention it.
Put together a simple turntable and texture collage:
I'm into the whole cosplay making scene, and I'm currently working on a combine police cosplay! I've mostly used your photos here for reference, but there are a few things I'm wondering if you, or any one that sees this might be able to answer. I'm uploading a photo to cover what I basically want to know.
Also, is it possible to get more pictures, from several angles?
EDIT: Picture may not load. Also, never noticed the turntable on an above post.
Nevermind this whole post altogether instead.
GREAT work on the whole model though!