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Gas giants

polycounter lvl 6
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valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
So here's the sitch, I'm trying to make some gas- giants to accompany my sun character (going for a planet theme) , so I tried a new method to flesh out more concepts in a shorter period of time, you know the silhouette method. Here are the results. I am trying to go for one male and one female giant, I was going to include a ring around each one regardless. What are your sentiments thus far.




  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    The guy in the top row, right hand side really doesn't fit the "look" of the others. Maybe bottom row right make, and far right female?
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    He's far closer to what I think of when I hear of a character called a gas giant though. I'd take that one and push it much further into a big, fat, floating farty guy.

    What's your sun guy look like?
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
    I like the dude in the bottom right of the first pic but holy god loose those eyes. They make him look like a kitten got stuck in his chest.
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, I'm digging the top right fella, though he's very different than the rest of the set. If you don't have a solid style established, I'd say try a few extra to go along with that guy, the style of the rest of the characters just don't feel as good. :)
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    there is a rough shot of the sun guy (short mode),
    (he has an egg theme as well, and an egg dude under him already. I wanted to push the planet theme too, these are characters he met on his travels in the universe, not the egg homeworld)

    asking around other places people seem to like the far right for both male and female the most thus far, I do as well, but I will keep asking more peopl
  • uncle
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    Hi Morris. You decided to come back? :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Are your characters going to represent the gas giants from our solar system, as in Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and/or Uranus? You could maybe derive some character traits from those of the planets - Jupiter is huge with a big swirling red cyclone, Saturn has large, distinct rings etc, or perhaps from the Roman gods that they're names after - deities of thunder, agriculture, the sea and the sky respectively.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    I am not sure if I am basing them after this solar system's gas giants, I could implement elements into them though. Again I was going to add a ring once they are completed.

    Right now I am kinda stumped, I sculpted this one today, but I got stuck when modeling the face. I am not sure what to do, I know I want the eyes to be sharp, however I am not sure how detailed it should be.

    I started the female first because everyone agrees on this one.

  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    That is one scary base mesh!:poly122:
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6
    seriously dudes, I am stumped and don't know where to go from here, I just think the female needs more. I started the male, but I am not sure it is something you should be doing in zbrush.
  • valuemeal
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    valuemeal polycounter lvl 6

    kinda combined them all for the male, idk folks I am really stumped on this one dudes
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