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Character Art Portfolio needs your feedback

I could really use some feedback on my new portfolio; both the site layout and the content. I don't have many options to change the layout since I'm using carbonmade, but I'd still like to get a sense of people's experience with it. If it's overwhelmingly negative I'll move on to something else.

As for the content, please just give me any impressions you have, however brutal they may be. It's all very helpful and I appreciate the honesty. Thanks for your time.



  • Lt. Roastabotch
    Very true. I came to that exact realization, but strangely it was only about a week ago. So I'm now working on a sculpt of a plain ol' lady. Thanks a lot for taking a look Chillydog!
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah. I would start focusing on human anatomy and cloth. Its a must in this industry. really develop these skills.

    With you creatures, I would think about your textures more. Your Beast creature looks really wet, when Iam in doubt that it was your intention. Try to adjust the spec maps accordingly.

    As for the portfilo as a whole, I think your cyber-demon is the weakest piece. It's really not up to par with the beast and cardinal. If you where to adjust your spec i think the beast would really shine. :)
  • Lt. Roastabotch
    Thanks Mikezoo, that's really helpful. You're right that it wasn't my intention to make the beast look wet. I think the problem lies in my trying to show off the normal map more by having higher spec values. I'll definitely start messing with that.

    As for the Cyberdemon, damn that makes me sad. It's my newest model and one where I tried to take more artistic liberties and deviate a bit from the source material. Oh well, I'll chalk it up to an educational experience.

    Great advice about anatomy and cloth.

    Thanks again. That gives me a lot to work with.
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