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Manga Studio EX Sale

I'm not sure how many people this will interest, but Manga Studio EX 4 is on sale today only for $29.99 US. It's usually $299, often on sale for $99, but this is the lowest I've seen it.

I think you have to use this link (it was from an email) -just going to the regular site seems to show the standard price.


I bought a copy a year or so ago at $99 and love it for sketching and inking - the pencil and inking tools feel better than anything else I've used. It also has some great ruler tools for mirroring on multiple axes and 1-, 2-, and 3-point perspective. One thing I find particularly handy is it's handling of multi-page stories, so keeping a digital sketchbook is pretty simple. It's geared for comic artists, so it also has some pretty cool tones and panel/layout tools. Also interesting is the ability to import 3d objects into your page - useful for bringing in a 3d blockout and sketching over top.

A bit of a warning - the learning curve is a little steep. It feels non-standard in the way it does a lot of things. I recommend watching a few of the tutorials here to get a feel for the software, though the videos themselves are kind of cheesy.

If anyone has any questions about it, let me know. Oh, and just it case it's not obvious, I'm not part of the company and I don't make any money from this ;) Just thought it was a great tool that others might find useful, especially for this price...


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