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[WIP] Character - Genghis Khan

polycounter lvl 5
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Sanna Nivhede polycounter lvl 5
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Hey y'all.
I've been working up the courage to try and become a more active member of the lovely polycount community and actually post some of my work, so here goes. As part of a school assignment, I'm making a character - Genghis Khan, to be more specific, and thought I'd ask for some feedback. For the first half (1,5 weeks) of the project, I'm making the high-poly. For the second half, I'll make a posed low-poly with fitting texture maps. So far, I've only laid out the base, mainly in ZBrush, and Maya for shaping the armor, but I'd like for everything to come together nicely before going into detail. So, if you've got anything to comment on, whether it be concerning hard surface modelling techniques, anatomy, Mongol armor construction, or just some good old constructive criticism, it would be highly appreciated. :-)


Take it away!


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