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Arenanet 2013 Internship Test: Creature

Hey guys

Here's my submission for the 2013 internship.

Model needs some small tweaks before I submit it, but it's mostly finished. Oh this is rendered with 2048x2048 textures btw. Final submission will be with 1024x1024 textures.

I entered last year but didn't hear back from Arenanet, so here goes...

Round 2! Fight! poly120.gif

All comments/crits are welcome, hope you like







  • Joost
    Offline / Send Message
    Joost polycount sponsor
    The model and the textures are great but you could have done a more interesting pose and render.

    Probably too late to change anything but here's some crits.

    I don't know if you're allowed to use, or if you are using any other maps than diffuse, but it looks very flat. Consider using normal, spec and gloss maps.
    Also those textures are way too soft for 2048x2048! Looks like there might be some texel density issues too.

    Good job and good luck with the contest!
  • Lo Pan
    Hey thanks for the feedback :)

    There actually is a normal map on it! Better look at that again if it's reading flat...

    Hmm... texel density... *googles texel density*

    I have a bit of time left to work out rendering etc. better get to work!


  • Lo Pan
    Here are my final renders for submission. I worked on my model some more following your feedback komaokc :thumbup:

    Unfortunately my submission seems to be bouncing back from Arenanet's mailbox, it says it's full!

    Anyone else having this problem??? :poly122:


  • bugo
    Offline / Send Message
    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Great job! Looks like it fits on that game. One thing it bothered me was the specular map, doesn't seem to be sharp enough or it simply shows cavity all around. I would multiply the AO there too if I was you.
  • Lo Pan
    Hey bugo, thanks for the feedback. It's submitted now but I'll go back and have a look at it again regarding the spec map and AO (ambient occlusion?)

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