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All you anatomy crazies out there, ever heard of Zyzz?

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
On bodybuilding.com this guy is constantly talked about, im curious what artists think of his physique/ proportions? He looks pretty unique as far as origin/insertions go





  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    No. Impossible.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    This guy is popular on a lot of fitness/training sites. He passes away not too long ago.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    Heart attack at 22 i think....so crazy.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    He had an undaignosed heart condition and died in a sauna
  • Mithdia
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    Mithdia polycounter lvl 8
    Well.. Seen a ton of more pleasing physiques than his that were achieved without roids.. But yea... "Pleasing" is always a matter of opinion
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Mithdia wrote: »
    Well.. Seen a ton of more pleasing physiques than his that were achieved without roids.. But yea... "Pleasing" is always a matter of opinion

    abs look like shit to me otherwise he was okay, and yea the "boosting" (i'll call it.) Was the only way to get that big in a short time, did you see how skinny he was...in his earlier age.

    The way he talked was amusing to me the accent anyway, he seemed cool, so not hating.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    LRoy wrote: »
    Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?
    "Have you ever been so far even as decided..."

    "Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go... to use go want... to use go want to look more like."

  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Right... guy like that dies of heart attack, I hope no one assumes it was natural causes.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I think it was natural. But maybe it happened faster than it had to because of his way of life. Idk.

    An autopsy revealed a previously undiagnosed congenital heart defect.[5] His family stated he had shown several minor symptoms in the few months leading up to August, including high blood pressure and occasional shortness of breath. He had a family history of heart problems.

  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Mithdia wrote: »
    Well.. Seen a ton of more pleasing physiques than his that were achieved without roids.. But yea... "Pleasing" is always a matter of opinion

    Said goal wasn't to be huge

    This is how big he was before he died:


    $!nz wrote: »
    abs look like shit to me otherwise he was okay
    Really? I've seen superheros be drawn with abs like that
  • jmt
    I've seen this guy mentioned on reddit multiple times. He's got a pretty big following because of his online persona and videos. He's known for embracing and parodying bodybuilding culture. He has pretty much the prototypical superhero build.
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    Seeing images of him on bodybuilder.com 2 years ago gave me mass inspiration to exercise. All I really wanted was for my deltoids to pop like that.

    Don't have enough food at home to keep lifting sooo I just devote time to sculpting amazing delts instead
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    One thing for sure, the guy was smart - the roman attributes mostly comes from his haircut. Give any bodybuilder a wig like that and every single one will pass as "roman" - regardless of buff or skinny :D

    Cool ref!
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    he really did care about aesthetics....
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    good reference!
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    These are going straight in my hotty......I mean, uh...reference folder, thanks...
  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    Don't mean to derail the thread, but making assumptions about someone based on sweeping generalisations pisses me off. The truth is, any one of us could die at any second for an unbeknownst reason. A really close friend of mine just got diagnosed with a heart condition that means he could suffer cardiac arrest at any second - he also happens to be into bodybuilding; would you make the same assumptions about him?

    on topic - this guy is great reference; 'ideal' proportions if such a thing exists!
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Weird, I was recently talking about this guy with someone.
    Still kind of crazy if you see the original pictures of him before he started working out.

    I do wonder, to get something like this, is it just lifting weights, or do you have to go trough the crazy "eat chicken 10 times a day, together with 20 different supplements".

    In the end, the guy is really nice to look at, but for me personally it doesn't have to be that much.
  • WarrenM
    You can get that size just lifting weights but to get to that level of body fat? Yeah, get ready for a crazy regimented diet.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    it's probably like, 95% protein diet... once your body goes into ketosis, you start shifting weight like a boss.
  • Sandro
    There are so many different body/proportion configurations, fat/muscle ratios and different sports/activities that develop body in unique ways that I find it strange that people pick particular one and call it 'perfect'

    This is understandable for people that do bodybuilding, they might regard certain features as perfect and strive to achieve it, but it's strange coming from artists.
  • Mithdia
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    Mithdia polycounter lvl 8
    Sandro wrote: »
    There are so many different body/proportion configurations, fat/muscle ratios and different sports/activities that develop body in unique ways that I find it strange that people pick particular one and call it 'perfect'

    This is understandable for people that do bodybuilding, they might regard certain features as perfect and strive to achieve it, but it's strange coming from artists.

    Gotta agree with this. Though I'd say you can look at MMA fighters ( <200lbs weight classes), Martial Arts Trickers and gymnasts (floor) if you want to find somehow objectively ideal physiques since those sports need quite balanced physiques when it comes to muscle development.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    joeriv wrote: »
    I do wonder, to get something like this, is it just lifting weights, or do you have to go trough the crazy "eat chicken 10 times a day, together with 20 different supplements".
    Lifting weights on a calorie surplus to build muscle. Lifting weights on a calorie deficit to lose fat. You don't need to do anything crazy, the majority of that is infomercial myth.
    it's probably like, 95% protein diet... once your body goes into ketosis, you start shifting weight like a boss.
    Highly unlikely. Training with that kind of intensity on low carbs? No way. Not necessary either.
    benji wrote: »
    Don't mean to derail the thread, but making assumptions about someone based on sweeping generalisations pisses me off.

    +1, annoys me to no end.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    If you guys are curious about the lifting/diet here was his simplyshredded interview:


    You can't say MMA fighters are pleasing to look at, mostly because their goal is not hypertrophy but rather strength and speed.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    Remember kids: don`t take roids if you have a hearth condition.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    holy shit dude eats a lot!
  • Mithdia
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    Mithdia polycounter lvl 8
    frell wrote: »
    If you guys are curious about the lifting/diet here was his simplyshredded interview:


    You can't say MMA fighters are pleasing to look at, mostly because their goal is not hypertrophy but rather strength and speed.

    Well I replied to Sandro who said perfect physique. Perfect physique doesn't by any stretch mean most pleasing to look at in my opinion, I'd say perfect physique is one with optimal performance. Although I do consider MMA fighters' physiques pleasing to look at in the lower weightclasses when they haven't trained their pectoral muscles to look like breasts.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    In terms of art we all sculpt characters/warriors that are unrealistically buff for the imagined time period/setting that they live in.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    I'm guessing that was in Aus, amazing how big he actually was there.
  • MainManiac
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Zyzz is an interesting specimen, but I really think Gymnasts are much closer to the classical ideals and a more effective frame of reference for artistic anatomy. Gymnastic athleticism is the kind that you'd find in an mma fighter (at a tight weightclass), a greek athlete, or your d&d hero.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    Zyzz is an interesting specimen, but I really think Gymnasts are much closer to the classical ideals and a more effective frame of reference for artistic anatomy. Gymnastic athleticism is the kind that you'd find in an mma fighter (at a tight weightclass), a greek athlete, or your d&d hero.

    But it's not just about the athleticism. There are hundreds of people with similar size builds in gymnastics/bodybuilding etc but it's the proportions and smaller details that count here. For instance some people have the most unaesthetic abs, or odd shaped pecs, or arms a couple of inches too big. Kristian Thomas is a gymnast for team gb and when i saw him in the olympics he just looks like he had weird proportions. But that obviously suited his goals because he does mainly upper body stuff.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    joeriv wrote: »
    I do wonder, to get something like this, is it just lifting weights, or do you have to go trough the crazy "eat chicken 10 times a day, together with 20 different supplements".

    Diet is essential for bodybuilding. You can do it without supplements and chicken, but it's very hard eating large amounts of calories without resorting to crap food. If you're going to make it your life, you might as well take the supplements and perfect your diet. For everyone else, just cut down on sugar and carbs and eat more protein.
    In the end, the guy is really nice to look at, but for me personally it doesn't have to be that much.

    It's impressive, and it's admirable as it takes tireless work and dedication, but that's a crazy amount of work to put in just for vanity's sake.
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    well i dont realy think his proportions are that nice to look at.
    at first glance they are, but i personaly realy dislike the short biceps and when he lifts his arms he looks like he is gonna break in half, as thin as his hips are.

    his definition is so crazy, you can see the cross on his abdominus even in relaxed positions, wich looks realy unreal imo. muscles dont look like muscles if they look like flexed all the time (also realy problematic in games btw)

    i realy prefer mma fighters for anatomic reference.
    learning anatomy from bodybuilderpictures bares a lot of risks.

    also broad shoulders and thin waists don´t necessarely make a apealing figure.
  • MainManiac
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    he had a nice physique but why on earth are we discussing a single guy on here while there are a million others out there with a similar build that maybe even got it the all natural way.

    I just don`t see what makes him so special over the others
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I dunno, I find his adonis belt too small, his abs kinda freaky, and his pecs kinda weird, with bulging sides and a very flat surface. If we're talking bodybuilders, I think Frank Zane was almost perfect (except for his abs, but whatever)

  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    he had a nice physique but why on earth are we discussing a single guy on here while there are a million others out there with a similar build that maybe even got it the all natural way.

    I just don`t see what makes him so special over the others

    Yeah pretty much this.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    he had a nice physique but why on earth are we discussing a single guy on here while there are a million others out there with a similar build that maybe even got it the all natural way.

    I just don`t see what makes him so special over the others

    Just a unique shape, declining collar bones that go with his declining abs/square pecs. It's a really neat insertion set

    He just already looked like he was sculpted from genetic shapes alone
  • AlphaMeow
    I'm a bit of an anatomy freak but not just muscular and skeletal anatomy but also physiologically and morphology anatomy. I almost went to a medical school because of my great interest in human body. (but in the end i liked art and games more)

    After reading all of this to me it sounds like this kid was naive, he wanted to bulk up but did it the wrong way.

    Died of diagnosis congenital heart defect, sounds like athletes heart syndrome to me. If it were genetic he probably would noticed many times during his youth particularly during puberty. But most likely he probably created this problem himself though a lack of understanding his own physiology. There is a reason you need a mentor when you start going into serious body building. Ammature body builders land themselves in the hospital all the time, in his case a coffin.. :/

    As far as his physique is concerned I think the images when he was younger were much better than the images directly before his death where he became too bulky. Ectomorpth in general have long lean limbs and make nice body builders as when they bulk up they don't get that "goko" appearance. That's probably while most idealized game characters are 8 heads tall, it looks sexier!
  • MainManiac
  • AlphaMeow
    Oh I was not implying that you were going to be some massed up freak. Sorry if you took it that way! x.x

    Good luck and be safe on your bodybuilding journey!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    he had a nice physique but why on earth are we discussing a single guy on here while there are a million others out there with a similar build that maybe even got it the all natural way.

    I just don`t see what makes him so special over the others
    I need to echo this, I mean good guy or not, good looking or not, he was one person out of (let's see, take 7 billion, cut by half for male number, 3.5, take away the extra bill living poor conditions, makes that 2.5, minus the number of people who have handicaps or are sick, that makes 2B, isolate by continent, hmmm) 50 million who buffed up.

    He had good genes, girls and gay men wanted his Johny, and he was sometimes funny, why have a thread dedicated to him and all his apsects, outside of his socio-sphere?
  • JacqueChoi
  • MainManiac
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