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Maya question. hiding editors automatically (windows)

polycounter lvl 10
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zbrush_newbie polycounter lvl 10
Hi All

I`m currently having to use maya with a single monitor and things get pretty cluttered when opening editors,etc . I wondered if there was a way of automatically closing windows/editors ie hypershade when not in use ie moving the mouse pointer away.

I tried a windows program called actual window manager that can "roll up" a window when inactive, but whilst it sort of worked, it caused issues with the main maya window appearing and disappearing (not good). Seems to be loads more programs that can do this type of thing, but anyone know one that will work with maya windows?



  • dirigible
    Offline / Send Message
    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    Dunno if it will help, but if you are using a split-window layout in maya (like, hypershade on the left, perspective viewport on the right), hitting spacebar while mousing over one of the windows will maximize it and hide the rest. Hitting spacebar again will take you back to the split layout.
  • Deadly Nightshade
    Offline / Send Message
    Deadly Nightshade polycounter lvl 10
    No but you could setup some shortcuts (MEL scripts) that toggles the display of certain UV elements. All UV elements can be toggled on/off.

    I wrote this not long ago (fullscreen script):

    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Tool Box";
    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Attribute Editor";
    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Channel Box";
    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Layer Editor";
    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Help Line";
    toggleUIComponentVisibility "Command Line";
    setUIComponentVisibility "Range Slider" 0;
    setUIComponentVisibility "Time Slider" 0;
    setUIComponentVisibility "Status Line" 0; // Might wanna have this off

    channelsLayersPrefChange false;

    if (`optionVar -q allowMenusInPanels`)
    toggleMenuBarsInAllPanels 0;
    } else {
    toggleMenuBarsInAllPanels 1;

    if (`optionVar -q mainWindowMenubarVis`)
    setMainMenubarVisible 0;
    } else {
    setMainMenubarVisible 1;

    if (`optionVar -q collapseIconBarsInPanels`)
    toggleModelEditorBarsInAllPanels 0;
    } else {
    toggleModelEditorBarsInAllPanels 1;

    As you can probably see, there are three elements I always want to keep away from my UI.
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