Hi folks,
Working on an environment as part of my thesis for my senior year at Ringling College of Art and Design. In the trailer my team and I are creating, this space is used as a launching bay for unmanned drones. Specifically, I'm looking for crit on lighting. I want to make the space more interesting and dramatic while not distracting attention away from the Drones as they leave the bay.
Thanks in advance,

i hope you just started working on textures though. they mostly look like paper with black lines printed on it, there's no material definition at all.
This scene is 'OK' by all standards, just lacks a purpose. U have a lot of words, but no clear sentence. Lighting is the weakest element
Start by narrowing ur palette and differentiating the outdoors' (background) color from the indoors'. Kill all the ambient lights
Identify the major shapes of ur composition. Light them so they have a gradient of light revealing them, like a spotlight. (example - http://i1-games.softpedia-static.com/screenshots/Doom-3-X1-Docking-Station-Level1-Map_3.jpg - notice how the columns that go from floor to ceiling on the right-hand walkway have such gradient, with a light source placed at their top precisely for this purpose)
Identify the lesser shapes and light them more softly, but similarly, with a slightly different hue. U'r making lights now that actually affect the scene and drive the composition. Everything else should be dark
If u add a light it should hit, at least, air, so add a glow
If u don't need a light somewhere for story or composition, don't add ambient light there, keep it dark
Note: the 'pipe' creates a lot of glow but the main 'core' room has none
Its been a while since I've updated, my attention has been focused elsewhere in the project (camera work/effects/etc)
Here is the latest texturing and lighting wise
Another idea would be to dim your overall ambient in that hangar even more and just make the vertical section at the end bathe in light.
Another idea would be to have a row of bright lights that follow the outline of the tunnel.
The movement of the drones themselves will of course guide the eye too. It is hard to say right now, do you have an animatic or something similar?
I'm unable to post the animatic or the actual scene from the trailer as it stands, but here are two screenshots that should demonstrate the ships' path and how they exit the hangar (from left to right) I'll be posting further updates soon.
The small hangar space launches the drones into this environment in the trailer.
I'll also suggest adding some secondary colour to the ice scene, very little Hue/Sat variation.
Sweet scenes, keep us posted!