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Noob Question: how to clone flip polygon on edit poly?

Hello everyone this is my first post and I need some help,

I have been trying to create a small church for a school project/indie game and I need to model the exterior and interior of the building, I also need very precise dimensions and a low triangle count.

I chose to model the church by using mostly Splines, extruding and then converting to poly. I think this will help me get a low triangle count and with very precise dimensions.

But I encounter a problem after conversion, the faces or polygons of my object can only be texture in one side, I also need to add thickness and include holes in my converted poly splines for the windows and doors..

1 - Do I have to create 2 separate walls one for exterior and 1 for interior and then set it with some space for each other to represent the thickness?


2 - And how could I fill the wall holes for the windows and doors if I'm using arc windows and doors? Am I force to make a semi arc spline extrude clone it to group together and then insert it on a the square hole on my Spline wall?


If any can help me or tell me if my approach makes sense go ahead, thanks :)


  • FlynT
    Offline / Send Message
    FlynT polycounter lvl 8
    What 3d package are you using?
    I could give you some links and hints to achieve it in Maya but i never really did something like this in Max but i think it some other people here can help you with that.

    @1: In Maya you general duplicate the first spline and loft it together to create the shape. As seen in the following video, you don't really need to use Nurbs just ignore this step and do it with your existing curves.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU7p88zYrts"]EP Curve Tool, Loft Tool, and Duplication - YouTube[/ame]

    When it comes to the Loft settings use this instead of his settings:

    Also keep in mind that the selection order in Maya makes a difference, so if your faces are inverted either Undo the last steps and select it in the opposite order or reverse the normals.

    @2: There are tons of ways to achieve it, you could either use a boolean operation on your wall mesh or combine both meshes together and then fill the holes with the Fill tool. Or use the project curve on mesh function as seen in the following video.

    He talks about at 3:42
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5iOTo8fvwQ"]Maya 2012 Highlight - Modeling Improvements (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

    Hope it helps at least a bit :)
  • respawnrt
    Offline / Send Message
    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    1- just your wall spline, all points welded, no problems here.
    2- use outline command to give a width to your walls.
    3- adjust interpolation steps (how many polys it uses for curves) as you see fit.
    - extrude
    4 - edit poly, conect vertices, use Collapse from edit poly to reduce some tris
    5- boolean the windows
    6- fix the triangulation
  • FXmauser
    Offline / Send Message
    Thx a lot respawn had forgot about the outline XD

    About the boolean is it safe can it bring problems when I set the UVWs?

    On that picture what is the final stage with the tris reduced the color wall or the hiddenline?
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    You can use just one spline, set it to renderable in the viewport and "rectangle" instead of cylinder.

    Or you could apply the sweep modifier to the spline, then adjust the pivot point so it grows from the spline up, instead of the center out.

    Also there is a "Wall" primitive shape. Main Menu > Create > AEC Objects > Wall. Which is good for blocking things in but I wouldn't use it for much more than that.
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