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What to do when inspiration is lost?

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Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
Lately I've been losing my creativity.
It could be because not enough time has passed since I finished my last project, which was a big load on my back for a long time (watch it here). But nonetheless.

I do want to make something.
My "personal project time slot" is completely clear, and all I have to do is think of something to make. I do want to make something, I do want it to be awesome more than anything I've done before, I do have quite a few things in the back of my mind that I've been wanting to do for a long time... but for some reason, the juices just don't flow.

Instead of getting my arse up and starting one of the projects I've been holding back until today, I play video games. I cook. I sleep. I watch series', etc. I waste time instead of using it to build something awesome.

I'm sure I'm not the only one dealing with this sort of things. It's a common thing among artists. But each time it happens to me, I get frantic over "how to get back my juice".

I'd love to hear some advice from you all... what do you do when this kind of thing happens to you? Do you take a break? Do you go out, to get inspired? what do you do?


  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Almost the same topic theme, posted here some days ago:


    This one is good too. Pay special attention to Mark's words.

  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Television has taught me that I should "do drugs."

    Whatever that means . . .
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Perhaps the answer is to just make something, there's going to be a bunch of gun modelers coming into this thread to comment/brag about how they never have this problem. So maybe when the grand ideas aren't flowing just pick something real and make it.
  • wolver
    I've begun to believe that there is no such thing as inspiration, it is being confused with motivation. Just start noodling away at some lump of clay and it will take form eventually. Your brain is wired to find designs in the random, once you have an anchor its just a matter of plugging away at it to create something. And hell it might not be perfect first time, but keep going at it and good stuff will come of it.
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    When I say I don't have inspiration, I connect it to a feeling some might call depression...

    It's like anything I think I should make, I think "meh... donno".
    Creating anything takes a long time. It's a big commitment. So it feels like if I'm gonna commit to something that'll take me so long and will be such a big "thing", it should worth it.

    No matter how long I've been carrying an idea, whenever I reach the point of actually having to decide to start making it, I back off. I ask myself "Am I REALLY going to fully commit, and put everything I have into it? Or will it just end up being another short sculpt, doodle, or a simple drawing?"

    And then, if I even have the slightest doubt as to whether or not I'll fully commit, I back off, play a video game or something, hoping next time I'll say "YES!!! Lets DO THIS!".

    So, in other words, motivation... as you said.
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    I get what you're saying about taking a break. I'm just not sure I have the privilege to take a break atm. I'm starting my final year in school and I gotta start thinking about my next project, which will probably be something huge.

    The sooner I think of something and decide what to do, the sooner I can start doing it. Maybe taking a total break from things, and starting to think about it in a month, is a good idea... but I feel like I'm not keeping up, you know? Like I should keep learning, keep pushing, keep getting better... otherwise I won't net that dream job soon enough. =\

    BTW, thanks for all the links, it took me to some interesting places. :)
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    You could always just procrastinate all the time. After so many years the amount of cool ideas you've had that you wished you'd done but didn't sort of builds up, and you're left with so many ideas you just don't have time for them all!

    ...not talking from personal experience or anything.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    Watch a movie.
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 10
    Blaken wrote: »
    Creating anything takes a long time. It's a big commitment. So it feels like if I'm gonna commit to something that'll take me so long and will be such a big "thing", it should worth it.

    No matter how long I've been carrying an idea, whenever I reach the point of actually having to decide to start making it, I back off. I ask myself "Am I REALLY going to fully commit, and put everything I have into it? Or will it just end up being another short sculpt, doodle, or a simple drawing?"
    You need to have a plan - a list of things you need to do in order to get to that goal. A big project may seem like a hassle if it is not broken down into smaller pieces. You simply don't start working on a project and expect to finish it in a couple of days - with such huge expectations you will start losing motivation to finish anything. Break it down by making a list of things that will lead to the final piece. You could look at it as a "step-by-step" method.

    Dedicate a day working on 1-2 things, then cross them off as you're done with them. That will keep you going and by crossing items off of your list, you will have a sense of being rewarded each time you finish something. That will keep you going and motivated to continue. If you're stuck on something, hit up Google or Technical section here on PC.

    You also need to assess your goals, really. This is very important because if you don't have clear goals, your work will stagnate and you will suffer for it (depression, frustration etc.) What do you want to accomplish? Let's say your goal is to get a job in the games industry, you want to know the things that will get you there. Do some research. Obviously, a goal of getting your dream job is a big one - break it down. What have others done to get there? What are your weaknesses/strengths? Assess your skills and see what you need to focus on. Playing games won't get you anywhere. You have to be hungry for knowledge and with Internet, the possibilities are limitless. Always try to absorb as much info as possible and make sure to practice it so it sinks in.

    Hope that helps.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    Browse concept art. Always does it for me (that, and the massive list of guns/settings/vehicles/props that I find cool and would like to model).
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    I've started doodling every day using sketchbook pro. I set it to mirror and start making loose lines and usually come up with something.
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 13
    two choices.

    1. push through it, continue doing work.

    a. go hang out with people, watch a movie, go fishing, etc. then continue doing work.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    heh I got the most simple answer

    "look at bank statement"

    See its at zero or negative


    Man the hell up and do something awesome or it will be like that FOREVER


    also be around people who push you and other artsy like crap, Do things your not use to , learn something new, go look at some porn. I mean the list goes on. Just do something other then sulking (trust me from exp ) It does jack for you
  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 13
    Watch a movie read, a book, pick up some magazines.

    There's a catch though. Dont look at the stuff you usually would. If you like romantic comedy films watch a foreign horror flick, you like action films watch a scifi drama. You like fantasy novels, read a historical biography of someone or a medical book on disease. You see where this is going I hope...
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 13
    Man up and stop taking your ability to create art for granted. If tomorrow you woke up and both your hands where fucked, what would you think "oh I wish I had made this, now that I can't I've got all these ideas".
    Stop looking at blank canvases trying to just magickly do and take some time to think some ideas through. Drawing cool shapes works for awhile but ultimately can be destructive without clear direction.

    I've found in the past if I just doodled, my ideas are too open and soon conflict with each other having no real direction, "is it a cyber mechanic or a medieval knight" not sticking to either I would get a mess of directions which just resulted in a piece of crap. Where as if I just stick with one direction, I know where I'm going and I stop switching about halfheartedly creating neither.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    why all these threads lately. when I first joined polycount no one posted stuff like this, people were really in to learning/making stuff.
    younger generation seems to lack moral fibre:)
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    Well, maybe its because there's a ton of pressure now.

    Seriously, without the pressure to "keep up" and stay on top of the game, I'd be WAY more creative. But since there are SO MANY talented people out there, it feels like if I don't get GOOD, FAST, I'll love my spot in the industry.

    It might be bullshit, but that's what stress does. Clouds judgement.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Look at shit so fucking better than yours that you cry

    Try and match their level, bawl when you can't

    Then take note of how high you landed by shooting for the moon

  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    stress is the mind killer. try not to worry about it too much
    just keep noodling away at whatever takes your fancy
    eventually you'll realize you've been following one thread a little longer than the others so you pick it up and run with it...
    these things usually just wander in, but they're hard to go out and hunt down in my experience.
  • l.croxton
    I get this quite a bit as I am frantically trying to get a job and low and behold the 3D job market is a nightmare because everyone wants different things but they make it out that their way is usually the "defacto" so I end up making a bunch of random things.

    Anyway to topic I would say, if you fancy making something then just start to make it. Sounds stupid but I mean, load up max or whatever you are wanting to do and just get stuck into it. More often than not you will get into it and find it hard to put down until hours later. I think its linked to the feeling you have when you have finished a project and if that project was a pain in the arse (i hate uv mapping) I just think "AHHHHH UV MAPPING NOOOO" when really its not like that until the end and even then its not so bad because what you usually stress about; atleast for me is that I know I could always make something better.

    So after every project, sure have a break; enjoy yourself a bit then just semi force yourself into it :). Its kinda like reminding yourself what you love about what you do.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Oh man. If you feel that some things are making you feel worse about your work or stresses you out I would recommend staying away from it. Working well is all about the mindset. If you don't have that it doesn't matter how much of a potential(talent) you have.

    Working a lot should come naturally, you shouldn't force yourself too much because that's how you get burnt out.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    daphz wrote: »
    two choices.

    1. push through it, continue doing work.

    2. go hang out with people, watch a movie, go fishing, etc. then continue doing work.

    3. Use your brain...I am not sure if many people who have lost the inspiration are doing that. The CG/Arts side of this realm is based on infinite imagination. You can make anything from needle to the entire environment. Or you can just make the penis tank. Anything art worthy that you look at falls under the inspiration.

    EDIT: I keep pushing myself to do something I truly desire. It does knock me back when I see other people making some kick ass art, but I come back to the drawing board and continue on doing what I like doing. Making art. Doesnt matter if its crappy, or really good. For the sake of practice I dont finish them unless I find a happy medium between the unfinished models / concept art and bring out a proper concept to work with.

    Not sure if it makes any sense. I've learned this thing from other artists. Like here and I think in art school, they would want you to finish your drawings or models but it isnt necessary if you are just looking for an inspirational spot and say "Thats it!!! I've got an idea and I'll start working on it."
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Enter the Showdown contest.

  • Adam L. Gray
    Don't just watch any movie though, watch 'The fountain'. That one always did the trick for me as it comes to clearing ones head, then go to bed, sleep, wake up next day and you ( I ) will feel refreshed and ready to start working again :)

    That being said though, can't always be at the top, sometimes a break and just stepping away from the computer completely is quite necessary.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Try listening to bobby chiu's chui stream videos. I know a bunch of people that it has inspired :).


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih3djTbpXOw&feature=plcp"]Pt1: Digital Painting of old man with Bobby Chiu - YouTube[/ame]
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ruz wrote: »
    why all these threads lately.

    Must be moonblood season.

    Yeah I agree, the young'uns didn't seem to get the memo saying that being 'angsty' doesn't jive with the game art side of the artistic world. :thumbup:

    If you can't think of anything creative to do, just model a f**n gun like the rest of us :poly136:
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    Andreas wrote: »
    If you can't think of anything creative to do, just model a f**n gun like the rest of us :poly136:

    ha! true story.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Muzz - ahh Bobby Chiu, every time I listened to him I felt like I was taking some sort of life experience shortcut when it comes to art... don't know if that is a good thing... anyway inspiration... In my opinion it should be something internal... what makes you want to make art... what do you like? If you like to model then model anything... the process itself should bring that feeling of gooodness... rant over hope it makes sense :poly142:
  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »
    If you can't think of anything creative to do, just model a f**n gun like the rest of us :poly136:

    Or some fucking heads. They are always funny to do.
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    The showdown contest might be something I should look into... that's always a driving force, and I caught it soon enough to actually participate for a change...

    Also, I was thinking maybe taking an online course, like Scott Eaton's anatomy course. That's something I've been wanting to do for a while now.

    Just finished watching The Fountain. Gonna sleep now, and probably hug my GF quite a bit. Like any Aronofsky film, it made me weird inside. But a great movie. :)
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Hi all, figured I'd drop by and share my thoughts on the subject. It's only recently that I've formed this opinion so if it's a bit rough around the edges I apologize. So here goes...

    I don't think inspiration is ever really "lost" I believe existing in a state of constant creativity is actually very exhausting! Like a lot of things in life, it just goes in cycles.

    I learned this lately when I switched projects at work. I was hired as a 3D artist and because I've been drawing and painting traditionally since I was very young I was asked to be the concept artist for the new project.

    Concept Art/Industrial Design is without a doubt the hardest, most energy sapping thing I have done to date. I love it, and it's also one of the most rewarding things I've had the opportunity to do. But I wont lie... when I got home at night now I felt like I just wanted to play games or go to bed. I used to be up for personal projects and the like when I spent my days modeling/texturing. Not so much during that period when I was deep into concepting 8 different factions, each with their own unique look and feel.

    My best advice is... rest up, clear your mind of anything and everything related to CG for just a little bit(say a weekend or two). When you return you'll have a new perspective on things, I promise you. :) At some point things just start popping into your head that you want to create. Because after all, we're creative people by nature! That's why we got into this biz.

    I think the brain sometimes just needs to cool-down a bit after being in overdrive for so long.

    That's just my 2 cents, hope it helps!
  • baalnazzar
    That's true. For me it works same way. All days I spend working on commercials and after work I'm just too exhausted to spend time on same kind of work for myself. I've got ideas but no energy and want to rest only :) Sometimes when projects are long term I'm really loosing any enthusiasm. What helps me is visiting village where my parents live. In this quiet place I just don't think about work and fully rest spending time on walking out with dog and reading books. After that I'm really regenerated and my engines are full :)
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    So I decided to use this creative block to do some studying.
    I've been working on my anatomy knowledge. Been fun.

    Here's the model I'm making while studying:

    Still gotta work on my arms/hands/feet. There's a lot to fix on other areas. But it's much better imo than my best anatomical model before (which I used as a starting point for this one).

    Maybe I'll do some prop studies next, to improve my ability to model leather, cloth, some weapons...
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    seforin wrote: »
    heh I got the most simple answer

    "look at bank statement"




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