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Thunderpunch Studios Hiring Environmental Artists!

Thunderpunch Studios is currently hard at work on a customization-heavy tile-based strategy game and we're looking to put together a designated art team to create our battlefields and various environments. We're primarily looking for 3d modelers and texture artists to bring our world to life, but I'll also be happy to speak with any 2d artists interested in doing concept work for us.

We're currently designing this game as a team, meaning there would be no upfront compensation, though you would qualify to receive a percentage of our game's profits should it acquire any. We also plan to launch a Kickstarter in early 2013 if funding becomes a large enough issue, in which case a percentage of that funding would go to paying you to continue work on the project.

If interested, please contact me at woody@thunderpunchstudios.com and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Previous work experience is not required, though any examples of your skills would be appreciated. Feel free to check out our project Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/sodwa.game. I've also included a few pieces of our concept art to give you an idea of the style of our game. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you!

-Brian Woody, Thunderpunch Studios


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