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A New Case sugestion?

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Hi I am not sure f I can post here this kind of question , so sorry in advance if this is not the right place ... but I am about to buy new pieces for my PC and I wanted to get a Special kind of case that can keep out at the best the Hairs of my Cat ... I have a cat with long hairs and I'ts a nightmere to keep his hairs off the Inside of My pc , they are so thin and light that always get inside the fans and throught the holes .....

Is there an Anticat hair case?


  • Angry Beaver
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    Angry Beaver polycounter lvl 7
    You don't need a special case, just a special mesh on your openings. This gives you major problems with airflow then. Any filter good enough to keep out the cat hairs is going to drastically reduce your air cooling potential. And your going to need a powerfull rig to do the shit we do so you have a few options.

    1 - Not give a shit. Seriously I have cats that sleep on top of my case and it doesn't seem to do anything
    2 - Get filters and use air coolling. This means you
    2a - Underclock your system
    2b - Have heating issues
    2c - Go overboard on fans
    3 - Use water cooling and a case like the Silverstone TJ-07, you position your water cooling racks in the lower half of the case, and use through and through air to cool them. No filters needed down there because even if cat hairs happen there's no sensitive electronics for it to happen too.

    I did this myself for a while but I stopped water cooling because it was too much maintenance in the long run for me to remain happy. I had better things to do than keep it running.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Look for cases with washable fan filters, and make sure there is easy access to them.

    I'm not sure about alot of other brands, but I know Lian Li cases have filters which snap onto the front of the intake fans, and their case fascias pop on and off easily so you don't have to dismantle anything to clean a filter. The fact that the cases are aluminium also come in handy for rust issues because I live so close to the sea.
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    ^ I second the Lian-Li suggestion, they are very minimalist in design yet encompass everything you need in a case.
  • Spiffy664
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    Spiffy664 polycounter lvl 6
    shave your cat, lol.

    but no seriously (don't do that) - invest in filters, etc. An air filter in your room will help A LOT as well. I have a rabbit with hair finer then any cat, and while my computer gets a little dusty - the air filter in the room gets a vast amount of it out of the air before it can float over to my PC, even during shed seasons. I also have all of my fans in my PC pointed outwards as exhaust - this may not be optimal for air flow but I don't have heat issues and have a standard clocked processor with large components like a big video card and a lot of ram and hard drives, seems fine.

    Also, I use an air compressor about once every 6 to 8 weeks to dust out my computer, its mostly normal dust though, not hair. This helps a lot :D
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Make sure ever single fan input into your case has a screen over it. Either built into the case, or one you bought. Then make sure every hole in your chassis, not the plastic pieces on the outside, is covered with tape. I have a cat and lots of dust in my room which all get caught on the fan screens. Next to nothing gets into my PC insides.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Good to know that there is hpe then :) ... thanks for all the answers ...
    Beeing about to change my whole rig I had made a selection of some Cases , perhaps you can give me a hand selecting the best and better suited for me? OR suggest new one?

    Requirements :

    USB 3.0 ( internal or external difference??
    Antidust and Hair filters
    compatibility with dissi Noctua NH-D14/SE2011 or others as big
    Good cooling system
    compatibiltiy with Drives of SDD 2.5
    Easy access
    space to "manouver"

    Btw if then has also a side window to view what happens inside woudl be cool too ...
    Cooler master Silencio 650
    Cooler master 690 II plus usb3 v
    Corsair Graphite 600T Special Edition
    NZXT Phantom

    Other sugestions?
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    water coolers?
  • JamesWild
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    JamesWild polycounter lvl 8
    It's probably not big enough for your needs but I have a Fractal Design Core 1000. I bought it when my previous case broke. The entire front is actually a dust filter. I live in quite a dusty area and it needs cleaning out about every month or two, but the inside is spotless.

    Filtered fans are excellent.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I have the Rosewill Blackhawk case and I absolutely love it. The top and bottom have a removable mesh cover. Most of the top, bottom, and front has a mesh cover too, but it isn't removable. Well, you can remove the entire front piece, so I guess technically the front is removable...

    It's also $89 :)
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    NAIMA wrote: »
    Cooler master 690 II plus usb3 v
    Corsair Graphite 600T Special Edition

    Those 2 cases have those mesh/vented 5.25 bay covers which will make your dust and hair problem alot worse.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    how bout the silencio ? how about other solutions ? :(...
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    If i had the same problem i would probably try fiberglass mesh (insect screen) because i can have access to it easily and i'm a cheap ass mofo.

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