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Not Sure if Polycount forums are bad designed or just asshole people

So here again with yet another complex discussion about how forums like this manage large quantities of information. So I think this isn't the first post nor the last one to talk about this things.

So there I lied in my not comfortable chair, holding my mouse with my pre-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Hand...willing to post a question in the Dota2 Workshop Thread at P&P... I checked some parts of the Post for my answer but ther wasn't any(not sure)... so i decided to ask to people and respectfully did it after an already answered question... To know that i could get my answer excited me a lot... but then when I checked the Post there were ton of other posts from people showing their work and as a result my post was buried. Maybe I will never get my answer and if I do, it will be late enough to bury another posts that maybe will never be checked so it will be like a Perpetual Problem.

How does Polycount forums could manage this kind of things?
Will the work of the MODS be enough?
I don't know but maybe we have to take part of this problem respecting the proper answer times
Cheers great people

Which is the fable of this story?

1. If you want to get your questions answered probably the worst thing you could do is to create a post calling everyone an asshole, then waiting for Administrators and Mods to show in the thread receiving some sermons in the process, keep holding until someone actually answer what you wanted, then wait till the "tention relief" cat posts appear.


If you find yourself with a doubt about how to solve an issue the best thing is to create a thread in the Technical Talk section so your issue can be adressed in a propper way, because if you post it in the P&P it will probably pass unnoticed due to the big amount of posts that are made.



For the ones that felt agressed with the title of this post it wasn't my intention to discredit no member of this community.

As stated by Kurt Russell Fan Club I am clearing up things and writing the Original question. All of this is about Dota2 Particles System.
The Original Question:

"hey guys just wondering... is there a way to mess up with the particles in Dota2? I mean I want to add or in the best case create a sweet particle effect for an item.
Cheers people"

Answer by Zipfinator (thanks a lot)

In the Alien Swarm or CS:GO SDK put "-tools" in the special launch options. Then open the game you changed the properties for and select the particle editor from the menu.

I don't believe there's a way to connect your own particles to your items right now but they are working on a system to in the future.

Another answered question by Zip

"Lookin good, just one question... when u modelled it the object was all one mesh? or sepparated objects But combined? also it would be awesome if those symbols irradiated light, does Source support EmmisiveMaps?"

It depends on the model if it will all be one mesh or multiple objects combined. In Dota 2 your models should all be on one smoothing group so if you need a part to be smoothed separately it needs to be separated. Also in any game separate parts of the model can be separated and "float" on top for optimization purposes.

Yes, Source supports emissive maps. Put your map in the alpha channel of your Masks1 texture and be sure "$selfillum 1" is in your .vmt file.

So Thank you for your time people that answered to this post xD also I am thankful no one came up with this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=dota+2+particle+system


  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Every site has assholes, bu I'm not too sure on why you didn't just ask in Technical Talk about your problem, or here on general, since Workshop threads from the community tend to be all about sharing your work.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Ignoring a post isn't meant as an insult, maybe no one knows the answer, or doesn't have the time to fully explain the question. Also part of the problem is you posted it in the middle of a massive thread, I'd start a new topic in technical talk if you want support.

    Finding answers and solutions is a personal skill that you need to develop, not all the answers will be handed to you in forums. Research, there's a lot of information you can find by just using google.
  • wolver
    your calling people assholes because they didn't notice your post?
  • KrazyTaco
    Hey jjeje as it could sound I am not trying to whine over to get some attention xD I just put this as an illustrative example and not with other meaning aaaand yes guys that was the constructive answers i was hoping to get because they are so useful to people that didn't knew this yet (me included) also as a way to discuss this kind of things

    @wolver no-meme.jpg
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    I am really having a hard time understanding your posts. They are full of run-on sentences with few punctuations.

    What exactly is the problem, did you have a specific question/problem you needed help with?
  • wolver
    hey you wrote it
    Not Sure if Polycount forums are bad designed or just asshole people
    c'mon its a bit of a nasty thing to say : >
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    We should rename the site to PolyCunt, one of the Moderators to YOLO and the banners should all have SWAG written on it.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Hi KrazyTaco,

    I'm the head administrator here on the forums and I co-run the site in total. My job is to make sure things around here run smoothly and people, like yourself, can get to information they're after or find answers in what they are looking for.

    I want to make sure I understand your issue.
    1. You posted in the DOTA 2 art thread located here. This is where people are showing their art for DOTA 2 and discussing techniques/tips/questions and so on.
    2. You asked a question in that thread and did not receive an answer, presumably because of the amount of work being posted in there you felt your answer was buried.
    3. You are upset over the fact your question was not answered and believe these people are assholes for it.

    Is this correct?
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    Instead of posting a question in the DOTA P&P thread - repost it in a new thread in the technical discussions.
    best bet to get an answer
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Their should be an age specific tag on each user, is one behind the scenes for the mods? If they put fake info they should get a week ban till they change it, just saying, I'm an A hole like that.

    Just to know and that would probably allow for better disciplinary actions? I'd think anyway, also I think your on thin ice slandering the community like that, granted posts are buried mine are.
    What you might be able to do also is grab the post/link to your question and post It in your SIG area (under your profile options) as a link stating you require help and if anyone could comment or PM you with an answer.

    Or figure it out on your own, which I end up doing or just not limiting myself to PolyCount and using google maybe the answer is posted elsewhere.

    Hey, you never know!
  • Mark Dygert
    1st off nice thread title...

    2nd, it's too bad that you didn't get an answer but posting a technical question in a P&P thread where people are showing their work probably won't get your technical question answered. Hit up tech talk with a new thread, but I'm not sure a general art board like this will be able to answer a DOTA2 specific question, but you don't know until you ask.

    I can understand some of your frustration but it seems like you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the nature and function of polycount is?

    Polycount is not a help desk paid to answer questions, it's not a knowledge base run by wikipedia, its a bunch of people who happen to like art and video games smashed together. The people who "run things" are just members who really love the community and do what they can to help as many people as they can. But at the end of the day it is still a loose collection of people, a crowd on a corner just talking about art and games. If someone knows the answer great, if no one does it's not a failing of the community and you don't need to get angry with them. Just head off somewhere else or ask another group. Maybe dig in and do a little research and tinkering on your own, that's how a lot of learn and are able to answer questions.

    If you're question failed to get an answer it might have been very specific and no one encountered something like that before, or it might have been long and rambling with large doses of condescension (like how you started off this thread).

    Also if you start a thread you can subscribe to it so you get alerts when someone replies. You can do that with any thread but if you ask a question in a "post your work thread" you might get bombarded with a lot of people posting their work. That is to be expected, you should probably post your question in its own thread.
  • EarthQuake
    I will get to work banning all the assholes, hold on a bit...

    (there won't be anyone left to answer your question though)
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    I will get to work banning all the assholes, hold on a bit...

    (there won't be anyone left to answer your question though)

    Hey, fuck you buddy! I'm not an asshole!

    ...Well, not all the time.

    Anyway, Mark hit the nail on the head. You need to pay more attention to how Polycount is laid out. Technical questions in P&P rarely get answered in-depth, so that's when you'd want to jump into Technical Talk and ask your question. Pimping and Previews is used for just that; showing off your stuff for others and getting artistic feedback. Tech talk is for actual questions that need answering.

    Also, insinuating that people are assholes when in reality your post was placed in the wrong area is basically the pot calling the kettle black. Try not to be a dickface in the future.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Snader wrote: »
    read my sig.
    Hey now! That's only a viable argument if you're talking about someone who likes unwrapping models all day long!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    "Lookin good, just one question... when u modelled it the object was all one mesh? or sepparated objects But combined? also it would be awesome if those symbols irradiated light, does Source support EmmisiveMaps?"

    It depends on the model if it will all be one mesh or multiple objects combined. In Dota 2 your models should all be on one smoothing group so if you need a part to be smoothed separately it needs to be separated. Also in any game separate parts of the model can be separated and "float" on top for optimization purposes.

    Yes, Source supports emissive maps. Put your map in the alpha channel of your Masks1 texture and be sure "$selfillum 1" is in your .vmt file.

    "hey guys just wondering... is there a way to mess up with the particles in Dota2? I mean I want to add or in the best case create a sweet particle effect for an item.
    Cheers people"

    In the Alien Swarm or CS:GO SDK put "-tools" in the special launch options. Then open the game you changed the properties for and select the particle editor from the menu.

    I don't believe there's a way to connect your own particles to your items right now but they are working on a system to in the future.

    On the subject of the forum being badly designed and everyone being assholes, I don't think you quite understand what a forum is and we are all just asshole people.

    Great job!
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    1. Some people don't have time to answer every single post on threads. They sometime just post their work, ect.

    2. Some people don't have the answers, or don't know how to answer certain questions.

    3. Everyone pretty much nailed it above.

    Just because people don't answers to your specific post doesn't mean anything. I used to get low replies to my threads, but I got over it and kept making stuff! it's not all about attention you know :)
  • KrazyTaco
    Hey guys!! Thank you for your answers for every bit of information that you share.
    For the ones that felt agressed with the title of this post it wasn't my intention to discredit no member of this community. I love polycount because is on of the rare places where I can find people that has the same interests as me and where I can help and be helped.

    Fuse wrote: »
    I am really having a hard time understanding your posts. They are full of run-on sentences with few punctuations.

    What exactly is the problem, did you have a specific question/problem you needed help with?

    Sorry Fuse I am having a hard time with the english jeje I promise that in my next posts I will be much clearer with what I want.

    EDIT: As stated by Kurt Russell Fan Club I am clearing up things and writing the Original question. All of this is about Dota2 Particles System.

    The Original Question:

    "hey guys just wondering... is there a way to mess up with the particles in Dota2? I mean I want to add or in the best case create a sweet particle effect for an item.
    Cheers people"

    Answer by Zipfinator (thanks a lot)

    In the Alien Swarm or CS:GO SDK put "-tools" in the special launch options. Then open the game you changed the properties for and select the particle editor from the menu.

    I don't believe there's a way to connect your own particles to your items right now but they are working on a system to in the future.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Edit: Disregard, I suck at UVing.
  • KrazyTaco
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11

    Why the hell are people actually trying to be nice and help this (ironically) complete ****hole? He is displaying the height of rudeness. Bolding and resizing text, and just in case we are still too stupid to read, making it red? Not to mention nonchalantly insulting several dozen people right off the bat, in the thread title no less! And his attitude where he believes he is owed something. I doubt this behaviour is going to change, or that he'll last long on here. We got a few of these in at the time of the TF2 thread, I guess not all Valve fans are perfect ;) Don't waste your breaths, this thread should have been ignored too ;)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    He obviously doesn't speak english very well, it might be more of a cultural and language barrier issue. The only think that bothers me is when people don't listen to advice on polycount.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Andreas - I'm certain there's a language disconnect happening. We'll keep an eye out.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    Polycount measured around exactly 1 FPS for me.

  • Overlord
    Perhaps this is what the problem is?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN9mP2_1A-c"]Hungarian Dictionary - Monty Python's Flying Circus - YouTube[/ame]
  • Justin Meisse
  • KrazyTaco
  • KrazyTaco
    Andreas wrote: »

    Why the hell are people actually trying to be nice and help this (ironically) complete ****hole? He is displaying the height of rudeness. Bolding and resizing text, and just in case we are still too stupid to read, making it red? Not to mention nonchalantly insulting several dozen people right off the bat, in the thread title no less! And his attitude where he believes he is owed something. I doubt this behaviour is going to change, or that he'll last long on here. We got a few of these in at the time of the TF2 thread, I guess not all Valve fans are perfect ;) Don't waste your breaths, this thread should have been ignored too ;)

    All right so it is wrong to say what I trully think because you say so? I was trying to be kind and god I am thankful to have constructive answers. I will not last long WTF? I could say many things about this but for respect I will keep them for me. Anyway cheers dude:)
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    KrazyTaco wrote: »
    All right so it is wrong to say what I trully think because you say so?

    welcome to earth
  • Kurt Russell Fan Club
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    Kurt Russell Fan Club polycounter lvl 9
    There's a whole lot of noise in the world (which is why your question wasn't answered in the first thread), and if you want to be heard then you're obviously learning how, but for all the wrong reasons.

    You've got a totally captive audience now and yet you still haven't reiterated your first question, which I think was: "can you do particle effects in DOTA2" (?)

    I'd say learn the lesson now that you should learn to communicate better and do something constructive when you have the chance. This whole thread's going to be a waste of time if you don't either catch a fish (get your question answered) or learn to fish (learn how next time you can get your question answered without having to call everyone an asshole). Broken english only accounts for your words being chosen poorly, but not your statements being chosen poorly.
  • KrazyTaco
    There's a whole lot of noise in the world (which is why your question wasn't answered in the first thread), and if you want to be heard then you're obviously learning how, but for all the wrong reasons.

    You've got a totally captive audience now and yet you still haven't reiterated your first question, which I think was: "can you do particle effects in DOTA2" (?)

    I'd say learn the lesson now that you should learn to communicate better and do something constructive when you have the chance. This whole thread's going to be a waste of time if you don't either catch a fish (get your question answered) or learn to fish (learn how next time you can get your question answered without having to call everyone an asshole). Broken english only accounts for your words being chosen poorly, but not your statements being chosen poorly.

    D: Epiphany Experience :) thx bro Edited the post to be as much constructive as possible
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Question is, where is this thread headed to now? All I see on the scanners are cats and tits...
  • KrazyTaco
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Question is, where is this thread headed to now? All I see on the scanners are cats and tits...

    I think it will go to wherever the cats wants us to go jeje:)
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    Guys, guys. You are assholes, instead of focusing on the legitimate problem this fine gentleman is having. I think there should be a Dota 2 workshop in technical, cause asking question in the P&P thread there is a chance that the questions will go unnoticed. A massive thread is better since new users can just read trough that thread and find their question instead of searching the entire forums and going on a hunt trying to find an answer.

    Since this post was probably to serious, heres a cat.

  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    So there I was sowing my jumper while reading this post, thinking it was going so-so and then I thought...

    So what?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Andreas wrote: »

    Why the hell are people actually trying to be nice and help this (ironically) complete ****hole? He is displaying the height of rudeness. Bolding and resizing text, and just in case we are still too stupid to read, making it red? Not to mention nonchalantly insulting several dozen people right off the bat, in the thread title no less! And his attitude where he believes he is owed something. I doubt this behaviour is going to change, or that he'll last long on here. We got a few of these in at the time of the TF2 thread, I guess not all Valve fans are perfect ;) Don't waste your breaths, this thread should have been ignored too ;)

    Well I am certain those who knew that they were assholes got seriously offended. The OP did raise a good point tho (even if it was in a rude manner.)

    EDIT: It is not wise to be a bigger dick to someone who unintentionally and unknowingly had been a dick here.

    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Question is, where is this thread headed to now? All I see on the scanners are cats and tits...

    EDIT2: WHERE :polytwitch:
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Torch wrote: »
    So there I was sowing my jumper while reading this post, thinking it was going so-so and then I thought...

    So what?

    you were sowing it were you? into some ploughed earth so it could grow like corn?
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11

    Another quality thread.
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