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I don't enjoy drawing, but my 3D is awesome

Hey guys, My name is Bobby, i have been in love from 20s, now i am 31. I hope i am not to old to be here with you.

I have been working mostly with Blur studio, freelancing, and i hope some day i can relocate to work there, because, i got bored from freelancing.

I want to say that, i never ever been able to draw, maybe that drawing isn't that exciting like sculpting in Zbrush, or modeling in Max.

I am worry about this, because, my dream is to work at Blizzard, but i know they look for person to know how to draw.Or for other big studios like ILM.

I am not planning to start to learn drawing, because to be honest, i don't have patient with that, and getting bored before i even start.

I want to know, if this will be disadvantage, when i want to apply in other major studios. Even i am good in human anatomy, sculpting, modeling, texturing.


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    share some of your work
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    If your 31 pull thumb out and get to it. It's a career and having some traditional skills will boost your value dramatically.

    Also to note. Blizzard use's a hand painted art style.
    hand painted art style
    hand painted

    So learning 2D is pretty much essential...

    Look at tutplus or the other million drawing sites out there.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    hand painting textures is a bit different than, let's say, doing life drawing. And even if you start drawing, adding mediocre 2D art to an excellent 3D folio still pulls the folio down. I know some folks who work at Blizz and who didn't have 2D art skills in their folios and still got hired - their 3D was top notch though.

    Keep in mind there's also a difference between traditional 2D and digital. I know people who're awesome with a computer but suck with a pencil because they don't know the techniques, have no undo's, no layers, etc.

    But still, having some 2D skills, either digital or traditional never hurts.
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 13
    I want to be a F1 racer but I don't want to learn to drive...
  • uncle
    It's more like being a pilot without driving license.
    Still some companies want you to drive yourself to work, bummer.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    What a silly thread. Post some art.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Yes, it will be a disadvantage if you want to go to a studio that does a lot of hand painted art and you don't do 2d art.

    That said, I personally don't draw much if at all, but I was able to join a studio (Vigil) that does a lot of hand painted art and am successful there. There is a definite learning curve, and I am at a disadvantage in certain areas, but my skills in other areas and my workflow minimizes the disadvantage. I'm fortunate that the our workflow is primarily based on baking down sculpted assets, and sculpting is one of my strengths, so I am able to generate cavity maps and use technical tricks to create the base texture that I then paint over. My 2d painting has gotten much better since I do it a lot, but it still relies on the base sculpt.

    My skillset means that I don't make detailed concepts, or created handpainted textures from scratch, but I am able to achieve similar results without having that 2d background. However, I realize that my skillset wouldn't be a good match for a studio that solely relies on handpainted art and doesn't use sculpting and/or current gen techniques.

    So no, you don't have to be able to draw in order to be successful, even at a studio that uses a hand painted style, but you will be at a disadvantage, and you will need to work to minimize that disadvantage, have other skills that make you valuable in other ways, or work at companies that don't have a hand painted workflow.

    This is based on my own experience of 4 years in the industry, 2 at Vigil where I do a lot of art that is in a handpainted/sculpted style.
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
  • Jeff Parrott
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    What a silly thread. Post some art.

    This x 1 million.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I do not understand this. 2d and 3d art go hand in hand. You never do some pre-vis in 2d? Never enjoy just drawing or painting? Never took a figure drawing class? The two disciplines are so intertwined I am not sure how you could get no enjoyment out of one but pursue a livelihood with the other.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Can I close this thread or will I be dog piled?

    Post some of your art.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    adam wrote: »
    Can I close this thread or will I be dog piled?

    If OP doesn't post something, people are probably going to star posting cats and penis tanks.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    "I am not planning to start to learn drawing, because to be honest, i don't have patient with that, and getting bored before i even start."

    I'm sorry to say this, but this field... and well... industry as a whole requires a lot patience, and discipline and apparently you don't have that... I think you should maybe consider another field?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    That type of mentality is going to get you fired one day

    "I am not planning to start to learn normal maps, because to be honest, i don't have patient with that, and getting bored before i even start."

    "I am not planning to start to learn sculpting."

    "I am not planning to learn tessellation"

    In game art, there's always going to be something new to learn, you have to keep up, and the more you know and the more your explore and grow, the better. It's easy to get left behind.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Become a doctor or something, I mean Lord forbid you're bleeding out of your arse and they spend more then a couple of minutes looking at it before giving you some kind of medication that actually makes it worse and ends up tightening your skin around your black hole, thus making it worse and getting bed ridden.

    So yes, with your lack of patience for 'basic' stuff, I honestly suggest you become a doctor, you'll make lots of money while tightening bleeding orifices (AKA, this topic is silly).
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    IMO some of these responses are unnecessary. I don't particularly like drawing, but I love creating game art, both the 2d and 3d sides of it, and I'm good at it and successful. Most people learn artistic principles through drawing, yes, but it is possible to learn them in other ways, and the actual act of pen on paper is usually separate from the art that ends up in the game.

    Just because you like drawing and that's how you learned artistic principles, doesn't mean that is the only path in our field.

    The OP hasn't posted his work, but if in fact he does do contract work for blur, which is a pretty impressive studio, he's probably pretty good. This level of scorn and treating him like he is a newbie doesn't seem appropriate, especially if his work turns out to be better than yours. I'm speaking generally, not to any specific poster.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The only thing people have a problem with is their attitude, its entirely possible to do 3d art without being great a drawing, just like its possible to sculpt in real life without being able to draw. But drawing can help, and you shouldn't be dismissive about learning it if you want to grow as an artist.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Edit: Removed because it's not worth it...
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    BoshkoPo, show some art there man...
  • BlvdNights
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    most people in this thread have embarrassed themselves by replying

    just saying

    i can only just barely draw and i'd like to think i have no problem getting 3d work. as long as you can get your basic ideas down on paper and fully understand traditional art skills, you're fine. that's the real reason i think people suggest learning 2d skills alongside 3d, but i think as long as you fully understand those skills it's not required to be a drawsmith.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Im with Racer.

    Visualizing in 2D is harder than in 3D, honestly. You have to think about many many more things when drawing something (that isnt a doodle) than you do when sculpting or modeling it.

    Drawing is just a way of study. Do you HAVE to be able to draw anatomy to be able to sculpt it well? No. Do most people who study anatomy use drawing as their study tool? Hell yea.

    A better example: Understanding human proportions is one thing, but you can go straight into zbrush and practice those, but most people would scribble some notes/practice sketches in a notebook.

    All preference.
  • MatOaf
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    MatOaf polycounter lvl 17
    I would say that alot of the venom has mainly come from his attitude, though I'll say this in response. Your not the first person I've heard say that, personally you don't "NEED" to be a drawsmith to get a job as a 3D Artist as you've proven and many others over the years have proven. Having excellent 3D skills is more than enough to secure a job.

    But definitely, having the traditional drawing skills can help to increase your market value as companies will see that you have a full understanding of the artistic workflow that might be implemented during a development cycle from the 2D designs to the 3D artwork generated it makes you more valuble to the company.

    No one expects you to be a ninja 2d artist but being at least a competent 2d artist will enable you to visually communicate with yourself and others better. It will allow you to solidify those great ideas you may have onto paper for the whole world to see.

    Being great at drawing isn't so much the big deal as it's the artistic principles that you learn those are more important...What are the components that create a beautifully crafted image. Understanding Colour theory, composition, light and shadow is what I think most companies want to see I think.

    You stated that you aren't fond of 2D drawing but you love 3D then I would say focus on the 3D get even better at that and people will love you just the same because your making dope 3D art.

    Though personally if 2D Drawing isn't your flavour try photography,Ceramics,sculpture. Expressing yourself through more than one medium will help to boost your creativity and help you to tackle problems in different and innovative ways.

    Illustration is just one medium........
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    you grow as an artist by challenging yourself
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    viagra helps you grow as an artist too

    also likely more important for getting a job in this day and age
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    And so does beer. Mmmmm, beer.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, with every new thread comes wave after wave of asshole comments.

    If you want to work for Blizzard, then you will really need to practice hand painted textures. And you don't need to be able to draw a Night Elf Hunter with a bajillion straps in order to hand paint a rock material. I am pretty awful at drawing people, however I am confident in my ability to paint textures from scratch.

    Learning to draw will definitely be a plus...but if you arent very good, it's going to take years to get good enough for really good portfolio work. If I were you, I would learn about light and colour, and see if you can get a hold of some Blizzard (or even Darksiders) texture flats, just to see how they execute things.

    Post your work in Pimping and Previews and I'm sure people will help out
  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    2 pages and no cats or penises? What a hell are happening with you Polycounters?
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I'm still just waiting to see some art =/
  • kat
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    kat polycounter lvl 17
    The OP freelanced for *the* Blur Studios?
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    adam wrote: »
    Can I close this thread or will I be dog piled?

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