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[3ds Max] Locking an axis with an orientation constrained object

polycounter lvl 19
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SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
Hi guys

I've got a little problem with my rig.
I have a bone orientation constrained to a dummy with an initial offset. I only want the bone to rotate along it's z-axis though.

Is there a way to do this?
I can't seem to figure it out.
Maybe the answer is to use something other than an orientation constraint to begin with?
Or maybe some kind of wired parameter setting?

Edit: I've also tried Hierarchy -> Link info -> rotation locks. That didn't work for me.



  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Without knowing anything more specific, it's hard to think of a more elegant solution than just wiring the z Axis. Transform locks are only meant to lock the transform from direct manipulation by the user.

    I tried a couple of things here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2904948/Tutorials/WireZ.max

    The setup on the left is using a wire connect on only the z axis. This works well, except if you try to animate the X and Y axis it gets weird. In the expression I typed this to give it an offset.
    Z_Rotation + degtorad(15)

    The setup on the right is using a look at constraint. I think I like this better because the offset isn't hard coded, and you still have easy control of the X and Y axis by moving the point above the sphere. The z offset is created by simply moving the point in front of the sphere.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hang10
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    I'm gonna go out on a lim here and say look in the motionn tab. there should be a check box to limit the roation to only Z. Though it may only be what in inherits instead of it's own transformations but I can't remember. Also look into contraints I'm sure in the motion tab in the little list box if you go under roation and right click you'll get a window with functions.

    Hope this helps, sorry for the vague explanation.
  • SideEffect
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    SideEffect polycounter lvl 19
    Thank you so much! Sorry it took me so long to reply, last few weeks feel like a couple days to me right now with work crunching and having to move at the same time.

    I really appreciate it, helped me out big time!
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