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motionbuilder emissive material/shader

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
I hope there are some motionbuilder experts here.Its appears MB reads textures in a slightly different way from most 3d apps.I am trying to make a cetain part of a model emissive so I painted an alpha map in photoshop..but I am not seeing the emissive map on my model,if I tweak the color of the emissive channel of the material,with the emissive map I painted in PS already plugged into the emissive channel.The whole model emits the color.Isn't some parts supposed to not emit color?


  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    So I take it,there are no motionbuilder users here.I have looked on the web,its kinda wierd how there is little feedback or limited tutorials on MB.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    I have searched high and low all over the web,no tutorials or explanations on this.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I've never seen motion builder used for anything other than animation.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Yes,its used mainly for animation but some studios use it for rendering cause of its fast render time,not for movies of course.Looks nothing like mental ray or Vray but if u understand compositing and faking a lot of stuff in After Effects.The finished shot can be made to look so much better.Consider rendering out 1400 frames in 1 min.Thats super fast.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe, but you have to remember if an engine is not made for rendering, then it won't help in the long run, also, fun fact, in Post, you're still going to 'render' the effects, try using After Effects and try anything simple like say a 'Noise' effect, AE is still going to have to render that effect on the layer, and yes, it will still take time.

    Unless you're doing a basic render, and that's all you need, doing more complex stuff requires more rendering time for a reason, and not doing them, only to do them later on in Post will also require the same, if not, MORE time then you would need with a proper engine, since you need to keep in mind stuff like light direction, shadow volume and etc, stuff which render engines automatically do.

    For example, would it be better to have AO in Post or during render? Considering that many render engines aren't even good at real-AO without cranking up the settings, creating an AO layer or using a plugin's to generate AO through mask and such in Post will not only look bad, but require almost the same amount of time or more then it would have if you did it in an engine.

    If you could show an example of what you're doing, people could help better, but honestly, the only way I would imagine something rendered out of Motionbuilder to look like it's has been renderd in Mental-Ray in Post is if you overdose it on Vignette's, Grunge, Blooms and DOF, but all of that would require time, and not many people will think of your stuff as professional quality since Bloom only exist in specific areas in a scene, and not all of it.

    For months now, almost all of your threads asked question such as how to avoid rendering in big name engines and how you could show stuff quickly and not waste time on rendering, well, there is no magic solution, you need to understand this, bite the bullet and learn how to render, Post also requires renders, you cannot avoid it. If you spend too much time looking for 'magic tools' to do your job, then you're not doing your job.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    I am not looking for magic tools,neither am I trying to create renders that look like mental ray or Vray.
    I am exploring my options and possibilities.I see nothing wrong with trying to get info on materials and textures in Motionbuilder here and I didn't get a reply.I get it,I will stop bothering u guys here about my enquries.
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