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max 2011 64bit freezes on export.

hi all,

Does anyone know why 3DS max 2011 64bit would freez while exporting? It doesn't seem to be having problems, except that it gets stuck on "Preparing polymesh for normal export."

I've tried mergine the scene into another file and it doesn't seem to make any difference. Exporting a simple cube goes down without a problem.


  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    What format are you exporting?

    Try using Export Selected.
    Try deleting non-"polymesh" objects from your scene.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I have that every now and then with FBX on Max2010, just crashes even with the latest fixes. Turns out if I close the face with some scripts and basically have a new node to attach the geometry to it works fine. Just weird data mix up I guess. I wish FBX exporting would be more reliable.
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    i actually have run into this sometimes with OBJ exporting, I've just recently upgraded to max 2011+ so I haven't really tested it a lot,

    but it seems like it's an issue with data in editable poly, for things that worked for me, you can either:
    • convert to editable mesh, then back to editable poly
      [explicit normals used to be cleared this way, but now you can only do it with the edit_normals modifier but that doesn't resolve this error. One guess is there's still something hidden hanging around in that conversion though...not sure]


    • uncheck export normals in the OBJ export and just rely on smoothing groups, if possible
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    Doesn't freeze up on me when I do that, but it does freeze when I try to quick peel medium to high density meshes.
  • Numerator
    Offline / Send Message
    I thought that Maya was freezing when saving large files to FBX format. It turned out it finally completed after 30 minutes or so.
  • dolemite
    Offline / Send Message
    Hey guys,

    I finally got a chance to get back on here. I tried a bunch of things before converting it to edit mesh and then back to edit poly (and that finally worked). I was exporting to .obj.

    Thanks a mil!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I just came across this using 3dsmax 2011 64bit, though it's just stuck on:

    Preparing polymesh for normal export... at like 85% = /

    Going to leave this over night in hopes It will rectify itself.

    If not I'd like some detailed info on how to go about closing off that part of the program and continuing to save the work I was doing, might be some hackery to get into but I want to just stop this message and continue working, is that possible?

    I tried to restart the PC and max mentioned I should save my work, so it's still active part from getting past this message box.

    I'll try an auto back up file and close this off in the morning I guess if no one replies in that time.

    I was running marmoset and had the .obj open up in It that I attempted to save the file over, as marmoset loads the file instantly to see any changes to the obj's, bad move on my part I take It, was working fine till tonight, pushed my luck I guess.

    Yea I just closed it I used an autoback up, I heard that I loose some sort of data when using an autoback up but I have no choice, all is well now, thanks anyway.
  • sebastianez
    Offline / Send Message
    hi guys!

    I found a quick solution, If you have Zbrush, use "GoZ" tool and back to max. Export and now and will be fine.

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