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If you could turn back time what would you do for your final major project?

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littleclaude quad damage
If you could turn back time what would you do for your final major project at university, around 8 months plus you could use 3 months in the summer.

Would you make a Homage?

Maybe a single showreel piece like the showroom car model in the cryengine 3 demo.

A short game trailer.

Tell me you're ideas, I would really like to hear them no matter how crazy.


  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I don't get it.

    Why would you have to turn back time to do this?

    I guess I would focus less on animation/ film making, more on modelling/texturing. Nothing in particular though.
  • nick2730
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 13
    The same thing, just better!
  • Mark Dygert
    I went to school for "graphic design" and after a year they kept teaching me things I already knew (took some advanced classes in high school) so I took what I was doing in my spare time, got a job, then dropped out. I never got to their final project, which didn't look all that challenging and game art wasn't being taught, DigiPen was teaching some programing courses but they where insanely expensive, about programing, and had a 2-3yr waiting list... no thanks.

    If there was such a thing back then and I was dumb enough to take it...
    I would have eneded up doing the same thing I was doing in my spare time. Half Life had just come out, so I would do a small environment with some simple objectives, no combat, maybe I would do some simple FPS hand/weapon models to go with it just to give it a different feel. If we could team up with others we would do a mod.

    If I was to do a final project now...
    I would be tossed up between doing the same thing in UDK or Unity probably aimed at mobile so I could take it into a peer review or interview.

    Doing an animated short to real-time specs. Probably of a short song or poem that told a short, simple funny story. Nothing too elaborate.

    Pick an interesting photo probably from Shorpy, opacity.us or some underground/urban explore site and recreate it in a real time engine, probably UDK.
  • Daelus
    If I could turn back time I'd be a programmer. But thankfully I can't, so I'll be mediocre character artist/programmer/whatever I feel like at the moment.

    As for projects, my school never had anything like that. It wasn't a very good school. It was cheap though.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all

  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all
    heh yep
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    3-5 solid portfolio pieces specifically targeting my desired position.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all

  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all

    Nail on the head. Couldn't agree more.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    I would have become a programmer , higher job security and more pay.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Slept in, as I dropped out of college and taught this shit to myself while attending Polycount U.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all

    Yep that about sums it up...
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I didn't go to school for any of this stuff. After going to the local junior college off and on, sometimes with a year or more between just taking general ed. courses, I decided that fuck it, I'll do it myself.

    Turns out it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't have unmanageable debt (which is not to say no debt, but it's nothing I can't overcome soon), I'm taking care of myself without financial help from anybody, and everything I know I've learned through my own hard work and from asking other people for help. It's taught me how to retain information and how to get over myself and ask other people to help me. Those two skills are things that modern colleges wouldn't teach me.

    If I could go back in time, though, I'd tell myself to start using Zbrush much earlier. Playing catch up is never fun when you need to do it in the middle of production work.
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Nothing at all. The sum of everything I have done and in the manner I did them lead me to where I am today. Changing something could lead me down a different path and I cant honestly see a better one for me, only worse :)

    As for final projects, I didnt finish my final project to the point where I wanted it when school ended, but it was by then I already knew grades and all that jazz were unimportant. I spent another month working on it to make it awesome and make it something that would get me a job and in the end it did.

    The only people I can see who would want to go back and "change" things in the past are people who are unhappy with there life in the present and instead of looking back and wishing you did things differently, change them now for the present.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I'm happy I went to school even if I could have learned more and faster if I knew of Polycount U. However, as I went to a engineering/science/business focused school (Purdue University) my final project ended up being something that grew my 3D skills absolutely none at all.

    If I could go back to change that, I would have tried to switch groups so I could be with a more 3d game/animation focused group and then attempted to do some sort of 3D game level. We had to write research papers (comparing normal maps to non normal maps probably wouldn't have worked...) I recall one recent group doing research on 3D Vision versus non 3D Vision in a game environment in UDK. I think, can't say for sure.

    OR!! I would have gone to an even easier group project and worked on my portfolio.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    If I could go back....

    I'd make a 3D game where you can mine and farm stuff and build stuff and everything is cubes with pixel art textures. And zombies and skeletons and freaky green dudes on 4 legs come out at night. ;P

    I'd definately not do a space invaders animation that requires me to print out every frame (about 2500) on A4 paper and trace over every single one to give it a hand drawn look... The pain!
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    This thread isn't about going back in time or regretting things. It's about gathering ideas so that future students can be advised with more varied examples of what their final projects could be.

    With that in mind, I wanted to make an animation of a full-sized gundam being built, using the pieces of a gunpla kit as reference for every single component. There's something about giant mechs being built piece by piece just makes me think "oooh, cool"
    At the end I also wanted to animate it taking off. I imagined it to be all epic and stuff. A little bit like the SC2 intro with the marine getting his armor put on, or Iron Man (movies).
    If I had a magic wand my portfolio would be fully interactive, like a sort of museum showcase you could walk around in.

    MW2 did this in the credits, it was awesome :) No hologram/wireframes though, but they were animated!

    I like it when games include 3d model viewers in their bonus sections, like in the latest batman and spiderman games.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    I felt like my final year was a complete waste because they felt so compelled to teach us "VFX" and "film animation" stuff. I'd just have preferred to be able to work on my own game related stuff...
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I went through a games development technical college. We spent a good six months developing a game demo. If I could go back now with an outside perspective, I'd give everyone a reality check - it's frigging terrible. We need gameplay and art direction. Once that'd been sorted I'd have put a lot of effort into improving the art I submitted, using such novel concepts as art references.

    Amusingly, we did get Paul Steed, who I think was still at id at that point, to play it. He played it for a couple of minutes then made some vague excuse and walked away very quickly.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    I wish I was allowed to pursue my dream of being a character artist from the start by FOCUSING TOTALLY on character art.
    Instead of wasting so much time working on things I hated to 'broaden my horizons'.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Probably focused on my Math and tech art stuff more but thats what khan Academy is for :D
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    nick2730 wrote: »
    I wouldn't have gone to school at all

    Massive Echo, don't let your parents talk you into this... unless It WILL progress you further, do a lot of research.
  • nick2730
    For the record i did learn a bit from school, made some great friends/contacts but certainly not worth the 2-3 years i lost and the 50k. Just not worth it now when i look back especially since i still cant get in. College was just not justified in this case

    Still working hard tho to get in
  • Farfarer
    I did a point-and-click adventure for iOS/Android. Still working on it. So I wouldn't pick anything different :P
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    i would do the same thing but had actually read the formatting guidelines.
    got a b due to poor formatting
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Yozora wrote: »
    This thread isn't about going back in time or regretting things. It's about gathering ideas so that future students can be advised with more varied examples of what their final projects could be.

    With that in mind, I wanted to make an animation of a full-sized gundam being built, using the pieces of a gunpla kit as reference for every single component. There's something about giant mechs being built piece by piece just makes me think "oooh, cool"
    At the end I also wanted to animate it taking off. I imagined it to be all epic and stuff. A little bit like the SC2 intro with the marine getting his armor put on, or Iron Man (movies).

    MW2 did this in the credits, it was awesome :) No hologram/wireframes though, but they were animated!

    I like it when games include 3d model viewers in their bonus sections, like in the latest batman and spiderman games.

    Thanks everyone there are some great ideas, I love the idea of huge Gundam being built.

    I will tell my students your thoughts, for those of you that chose not to go to University and taught yourself then I will change the question for you.

    The boss says "you have around 10 months to do any showreel plus any short project you wish to do, so what is it you are going to make?"

    Plus he says" if you fail or give a stupid answer he will make you do karaoke every friday" :)
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Wouldn't change a thing. I thought my final project was pretty good. I purposely choose the biggest most craziest idea and ran with it. It paid off in the end and I got a job at a pretty good company. I enjoyed school because of the teachers I had (a miracle considering it was a AI school) and made out like a bandit in their knowledge.
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