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Instructors you would like to learn from?

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Spark polycounter lvl 18
Just wanted to get some community feedback on who you would want to learn from given the chance? Since I am teaching with TAD (www.theartdepartment.org), and was looking into adding more to the 3d section of the school. Any help would be apprecaited, and if there are any fields below that I am missing, please add them in.


Environment Artist:

Character Artist:

VFX Artist:

2d/3d Concept Artist:


  • Rico
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    I would probably pick these dudes for environment art: Kevin Johnstone, Snefer.
  • Lephenix
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    Lephenix polycounter lvl 6
    Environment artist: - Kevin Johnstone
    - Snefer
    - Disting
    - HP
    - Paroxum
    - Beancube
    - Jessica Dinh
    - Bee-Bee
    - GosSs
    - Orb
    - Rens
    - Zelenkov
    - Jesse Moody
    - Chris Perella
    - paulsvoboda

    Character artist: - Hazardous
    - JFletcher
    - Jacque Choi
    - Duncan
    - Afisher
    - Daphz
    - Ravenslayer
    - Funky Bunnies
    - Swizzle
    - PAnick
    - Danitchu
    - onelunglewis
    - LRoy

    2D/3D/Texture artist: - Blaisoid
    - fightpunch

    I'll add more.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    On the character side, probably rv_el
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome guy's! Great suggestions, Teejay you can take online courses at TAD, as I have had students from all over the world. If you know the website links to those you are suggesting that would be apprecaited, as I am having difficulty finding a few. Thanks again guy's!

  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    TeeJay wrote: »
    I have no idea whether these are valid suggestions but here goes;

    Character Artist:

    Ben Regimbal

    These plus Bay Raitt, Steven Stahlberg, Andy Hickinbottom and C
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 10
    Shiguru Miyamoto
    Hironobu Sakaguchi
  • gibson543
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    gibson543 polycounter lvl 13
    you should probably add in a weapons/vehicle section.
    amsterdam hilton hotel
    pedro amorim
    alec moody.

    Mr. Kite
    Josh Singh
    Jonathan Rush


    can't really think of any vfx artists besides lee3d

    concept artist:
    nick carver
    feng zhu
    Tom Scholes
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Concept Artists on PC:
    Nick Carver
    Tacit Math

    Also. Characters

  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Characters - Kite
    2d/3d - Richard Lyons, Nick Carver
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I think the best people to learn from are the ones who have shown not only a desire to teach but also those who always seem to go beyond just making a pretty picture. Those that try explain and expand apon the fundamentals of art creation and those who try to show what can be done artistically by broadening there understanding of the technical aspects of game creation.

    The big 4 I would say personal would have to be Snefer, adam, Bobo and Hazardous. There are of course plenty of others who would be fantastic to learn from thats for sure, but I think these 4 always go above just making pretty things. They dont just share pretty pictures with people but the ideas behind it and how they went about making it, teaching others new things they can use to help improve there art.

    adam and his hideout thread, the fact that he runs this crazy place called Polycount, Snefer's one texture environment pushing what can be created while still being so well done artisticly, Hazardou's beautifully crated characters that have so much style and artstic flair, and bobo from his recent work with the DS2 competition and his previous work in comic books.
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    Concept artists - Jason Chan haha

    Character artist - spacemonkey
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I'm surprised not many people mentioned Adam.
    He'd be my first choice. His evil genius hideout thread is one of the primary reasons I even have a job today. I owe him a lot.
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    There are a lot of artists i`d like to learn from but when it comes down to form and anatomy these two will probably be the best to bring that across

    Alex Oliver and Antropus
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Jelmer Boskma http://www.krop.com/jelmerboskma/#/

    Hanno Hagedorn http://www.hannohagedorn.com/

    (and everyone listed previously)

    EDIT: (and everyone listed after)
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Characters: Spark.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    El Scorcho
    Paul Richards
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    - Kite
    - Slipgatecentral

    (Sculpting with Grassetti, and Texturing by Bogdan)

    Old school texturing:

    - Snefer

    - Holdeen or Hyung Tae Kim
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Kolby Jukes!

    I wouldn't even have a career in 3D if it wasn't for his Hellboy modeling vids. And his Beelzebub sculpt was legendary back when Mudbox was in beta.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    Environment Artist:
    Damian Lazarski
    Paul Svoboda
    Anthony Vaccaro
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
  • Mark Dygert
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    I think there is a difference between "kick ass artist who makes amazing art" and "an artist who can teach". Having the ability to teach others doesn't necessarily make someone a great artists and being a great artist doesn't mean you can teach others. So there is a rare breed that can do both.

    Neil Blevins (TD at Pixar, one browse through his CG Education section and you know he has it)

    Rick Stirling (He has the gift, How many polys in a piece of string, brilliant.)

    John Jones (anyone who can predict the future like he can, will help guide artists in the right direciton)

    Evan Herbert (Racer445, he seems to always be refining his teaching style but he has what it takes to teach)

    Ben Mathis (When he isn't being a raging hemerhoid he can be very informative and pleasant...)

    Joakim Wejdemar (Okkun from valkyrie entertainment)

    Helder Pinto

    Anthony Vaccaro (Autocon)

    Any of the 3D motive guys:
    Don Ott
    Alec Moody
    Justin Harrison
    Jeff Parrott
    Simon Fuchs

    There are a lot more that have impressed me with their art and teaching ability over the years but I'm having trouble remembering them all...
  • System
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    System admin
    Without wanting to come across as a complete elitist, i'd much rather the people with their names in this thread give their recommendations and then go from there. (aside a few)

    Granted no artist will ever really stop wanting to improve, it just feels strange to see so many names for artists that are still establishing themselves who would no doubt have people they inturn respect and would like to learn from.

    I guess its just a lack of perspective, y'all people should lurk more.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Prophecies wrote: »
    I'm surprised not many people mentioned Adam.
    He'd be my first choice. His evil genius hideout thread is one of the primary reasons I even have a job today. I owe him a lot.

    Damn dude, thank you. Made my day.

    I was hesitant to do get involved in this thread because I didnt' want it to seem like I'm showing who my favourites are here at Polycount. The truth is I think there's a metric shit ton of talent here, but when it comes down to individuals I think are invaluable in their skillset and offer something unique to all of us beyond raw artistic talent there's a few who come to mind.

    Paul Pepera is my #1 choice for whom I think others could learn from. I've had the pleasure of being his friend for a while now and even had the pleasure of vacationing with him for a week at his place in Seattle last year. He has a very fundamental approach to all of his designs and how he models that I think everyone - even seasoned veterans, and others on this list - could learn from. Nothing he creates is over thought in how it would logically work, every design element has a functional purpose while having fantastic form: Something I think far too many artists miss their mark on (myself included). I know he is known around here for being a fantastic hard-surfae modeler (his latest for those who've missed it in the WAYWO thread) but he's a fantastic overall artist as well. Game art, planning, sketches, concepts, and so on. It's just a shame he doesn't show more of is 'scraps' around here more often.

    He's modest and a bit shy so he'd probably never go for it, but I think a small nugget from his brain would do everyone well.

    Snefer is a choice I think a lot of people will ask for and there is a reason for it. I am convinced his brain is wired differently for creating game art unlike any one of us. I'm convinced Tor is a master technical artist with an amazing artistic talent; a complete rarity in this industry. If every single artist in this industry was like Tor, we'd eventually shut the movie industry down in visuals with each release.

    racer445 is someone who has an amazing artistic ability. As I mentioned earlier we have a lot of fantastic artists posting here at Polycount, but one thing I think others would appreciate about him is his age; he's quite young. I think when he started posting here he was 15 and already showing impressive ability as a game artist. I think having him speak to others in school, around his age (19 now), would be of an inspiration to them as game artists.

    Hazardous seems like an obvious choice here. He's already mentoring others and is an amazingly talented character artist who will transition in to the coming 'next generation' very well. I think his talent + interest in mentoring others is inspiring and having him do so in person would invaluable.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    environment artists:
    -kevin johnstone
    -alec moody
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I'm taking a digital painting class with Bobby Chiu (inspired from Haz taking it) at schoolism.com. It's basic lessons but he's kicking the shit out of me with critiques and I'm loving it. I can already notice my eye developing and hopefully will help my overall hand painted texturing. People like him are rare and amazing to learn from.

    As far as learning from specific individuals. I've been to conferences, etc and very few people are really good at making art, being inspiring, and well spoken. Most of us Artists are a bit introverted. I went to an art workshop once the teacher just put on headphones and stuck his head down and painted for 3 hours. He made awesome. But I got little to no insight to what he was thinking, etc. So not all Artists would even want to teach. It's not for everyone.

    Few people that would be awesome to inspire and teach:

    Adam Bromell http://adambromell.com
    Mark Dygert http://mark3d.carbonmade.com
    Eric Chadwick http://ericchadwick.com
    Tyson Murphy http://gardenturtle.blogspot.com
    Peet Cooper http://peetcooper.blogspot.com

    Few people I believe would kick ass teaching:

    Pior Oberson http://www.pioroberson.com
    Brian Jones http://www.bobotheseal.com
    Jon-Troy Nickel http://www.kalescentstudios.com/troyfolio/Main.htm
    Chris Oatley http://chrisoatley.com

    There's a ton more talented and inspiring Artists on here and online I could rattle on for days about.
  • Stinger88
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    Already some amazing artists listed, but just wanted to add one more
    Characters: Raphael Grassetti - grassettiart.com/
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9

    Sze Jones

    Easily my top 4
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome list guy's, and thanks for all the quick responses! I will definitely take this enormous list and see what can be done;) Again, I appreciate the help, as there are quite a few people I have not heard about.

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