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[Portfolio] Chris Green - Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 13
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R00 polycounter lvl 13
Hey Polycount peeps,

So I've just finished my second year of studies and now looking for employment whilst in my final year at University. I will be looking for a junior position as an environment or prop artist upon leaving.

I haven't compiled a Showreel together just yet so the Portfolio will have to do for now. Any crit or comments would be great as I'm trying to get my work up to an Industry standard.


Thanks for your time :poly136:


  • sipher3325
    Site looks easy to navigate. Maybe set it up so that if someone clicks on an image it enlarges.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Pretty standard website though I do not like having to click thumbnails to view work. I just want to be able to scroll down in seconds. That's how quick I make my judgements on the quality of a persons art and I assume that's how employers are as well.

    Overall work is good though it would be good if you could take those props you've made and form some sort of level out of them.

    Where's your resume? Also I strongly suggest putting your phone number on the site. I get calls every so often and I doubt they would have called if they had to ask for my permission.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Some quick thoughts:

    - Your first environment is not very strong. Lighting especially lets it down. You failed to capture the essence of the original concept.
    - The Environment models section is pretty generic - stuff you see on almost every other junior artist portfolio. It does not set your work apart from the competition.
    - High poly is weak. No real challenging shapes in the modeling. That sci-fi door has probably every sci-fi cliche imaginable in it.
    - Props. That red background for the flame torch is hideous.
    - UDK level design. I do not think this belongs on your site. Looking at it I thought to myself "this modeling is pretty good!", then I read the description at the bottom.
    - Your images are too small.

    Overall, as a junior artist portfolio, your work is just barely adequate. Most of the stuff on your site, such as pillars, oil drums, dark/grungy/creepy environment, generic sci-fi door, are things that appear on countless other portfolios. You should really try to set your work apart from the competition. You demonstrate the core competencies of being able to create assets in 3d packages, get stuff into a game engine, etc. But your work does not demonstrate that you excel in any of those facets, even at a junior level. Technically you have the skills - you now need to turn those skills into pleasing works of art. There is a lot of competition out there.
  • chrisundrum
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    chrisundrum polycounter lvl 9
    IMO I like the thumbsnails, at the beginning though I would combine your high poly and your low poly props to one thumb, so its easy to compare and see your process.I also don't really see the point in having environment models and props essentially they are the same. You could separate them if you had more "Structure assets" but to have a complete new thumb,...no need.

    Also, your level in level design is very dark. If you really want to keep that section I would have a top view and maybe sketches of your thought process. Is it for single player play through or multiplayer? How are you leading the player? What is the message you want to give by the player walking through YOUR space.
  • whynot
    Paul - a lot of good insight there. I'll message you when I send my portfolio to the slaughter house! I love getting/reading good critiques. Helps me refocus and see where I'm at.

    Chris - I think the flow and function of the site works. Dark background, images are front and center, click for larger/more detailed shots. Just focus on what Paul was saying and I think you are good to go! Keep challenging yourself inside maya/max and with your textures.

  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the feedback so far guys! I know I can't please everyone when it comes to changing it but I will definitely keep practicing on the areas you have all mentioned. Keep in mind I have only been doing 3D 2 and a bit years now so I'm still learning :)
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 13
    Not much to say about specific work, but I think it's great that you've just left second year with these fundamentals clearly down. Just follow the advice already posted, working on more interesting environments in your final year, and you'll have a decent portfolio when graduating. Good luck man!
  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    What would you suggest I work on? A level of some type or really refine my modelling skills on individual assets?
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