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May 2012 graduate needing portfolio critique

polycounter lvl 8
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Toxic929 polycounter lvl 8
I'm Tim and I graduated in May. I would love to be a character artist but I'm looking for a 3d modeling job in really any industry so my topic is two part.

A) I would love a critique of my overall website portfolio (http://cargocollective.com/adeline3d) in relation to me getting hired. Everything from the website layout colors and orinetation to obviously the content, etc. Where can I improve/What am I lacking? Maybe think of it as why would or wouldnt you hire me and why. If my stuff sucks say just that, but also tell me why it sucks.

B) Does me having a domain name through another site (cargocollective) hinder me at all when employers are looking at my site?


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    A. I'd like to see a lot more focus on textures and characters rendered in real time in a game engine, I think you'll have a hard time finding a job in the game industry without those 2 things.
    B. A domain name plus hosting can cost as little as $30 a year, I use holeinthewallhosting.com personally.
  • Moosebish
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    Moosebish polycounter lvl 12
    All you have to do is purchase a domain name, which is really inexpensive, then pay a small fee to have it point to another URL.

    That way you won't have to change anything on your site at all.
  • Toxic929
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    Toxic929 polycounter lvl 8
    Ok yeah I'm going to work on getting more game oriented models done and I'll get on that domain name.
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