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Remote Desktop on Tablet help.

polycounter lvl 13
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Fwap polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys, I purchased a Samsung series 7 slate a while ago and its perfect for art on the move or when I'm getting cramped at the workstation.

But recently I had the idea of using it as an input device while i'm at the workstation, I'm not having much luck at all though and was wondering if anyone has had some experience with this sort of task?

I've tried teamviewer but even over a LAN it was slow as balls and I've tried windows remote desktop viewer but cant get it to connect to the other computer for the life of me.

Anyone got any further ideas? Cheers


  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Tried this a while back too, it seems things are just too slow, also there is no pressure sensitivity.. so its kinda pointless
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    I wonder if using the mini HDMI port will have any effect? or is that just an output? I dont have one handy to test.
  • Fwap
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    Fwap polycounter lvl 13
    Apparently if you install the same digitizer drivers that the tablet uses, it is possible that a VNC or remote desktop connection could utilize the pressure sensitivity of the tablet.

    Only one thing remains though, a VNC that doesn't suck balls and make lines all jaggy with lag.

    Anyone at all experimented with any of this?
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    I've found RealVNC to work great for remotely connecting to a computer, however there are a few drawbacks to what you're looking to use it for:

    1) You'll need to pay for the RealVNC server license, which you install on the machine you want to connect to.

    2) You'll need to know this machine's IP address to connect to it, and if you want to connect to it from outside your network, you'll need to setup a connection to it in your router.

    3) You'll need a good connection to get it to work in real-time w/ full color (but this will probably apply to any VNC solution). Also anything that changes what is visible on the whole screen at once may update slowly on your end (panning, zooming, rotating canvas, etc).

    4) RealVNC does not currently support the transfer of pressure sensitivity from one device to another.
  • mikeadams
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    Try using gosupportnow remote support service. It is easy to use and occupies less bandwidth, hence, provides good speed.
  • mikeadams
    Offline / Send Message
    Try using gosupportnow remote support service. It is easy to use and occupies less bandwidth, hence, provides good speed.
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