Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

[PORTFOLIO]-Ivan Jesus Ramos

This is my first demo reel upon graduating Full Sail University. I focus on environments but do anything from Hard Surface Modeling and Texturing in photoshop. I'm looking for overall critiques on my demo reel since I intend to post different threads for each individual level or prop I do. I'd also be interested in any possible job opportunities, preferably in NYC. Thank you for your time and consideration in advance.



  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Get rid of flash. It's very limiting, doesn't show up for most and destroys your images.

    Make a quick HTML gallery with resume (include download link)

    Resume should include a download version such as a DOC of PDF. I also like a single, printable page version as well.

    Content is all jacked up from being rescaled and recompressed into a flash site. The quality is actually better in your demo reel which is on youtube (if that tells you anything about how this site is hurting you). The images are also very small.

    Temple scene has an unnatural green lighting, and all those horizontal patterns are very obviously upside-down, and that's all I can see when I look at this scene.

    There are no details about anything. No scene breakdowns, info on tools used, etc. Thus the user is blindly looking at images. Images aren't watermarked.

    2d stuff is not so great. I'd remove it. I mean, photoshop clouds?

    Contact pages are redundant to Resumes.
  • Gods_Requiem
    Thank you. I'll take your advice into consideration and remove the content that's weakest or harms my site. The other issues I'll fix when I launch my permanent website. Unfortunately right now all I can manage is this temporary template from wix.com, if you have any recommendations for better web builders though please let me know. Once again thanks for your critique and for being honest.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    a lot of youngsters around here like carbonmade for hosting.
    i dont see the demo reel, just a white box...not sure if it's my browser (firefox) or if it's just taking a long time to load. Didn't bother waiting for it. You should present you armor and statue more professionally, not just a screenshot from zbrush. You're statue is not in perspective mode. They also don't look finished. Avoid posting unfinished work on there. Some people have a WIP section..i personally would just keep my unfinished work out.

    Need a little more...the two environments you have are a little redundant. I feel like im looking at the same picture even though they are at different angles and areas of the scene.

    You outside lighting could use a little work. It's just too uniform for me. The textures are also too busy for me and appear flat. Are there normals in them? Try to use more references cause the designs in the walls, ceiling, and floors are too repetitive. and I know those are Zbrush Alphas you downloaded from pixologic. Nothing wrong with using them, but use them in a way that's more interesting and creative

    You gotta good start here my man, what kind of work do you want to do? any particular studio you want to work for?
  • Gods_Requiem
    Thank you. I'd personally prefer to work on games as an environment or prop modeler but being an entry level artist I'm open to anything. As of now I have a lot of dream studios but I'm not really targeting any specific studio as of now.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Content is pretty good. What's with all the religious imagery?
  • Gods_Requiem
    Thanks, and honestly I just love the concept of religion. Ironically though I'm an atheist. I'm trying to lay off on it a bit on my work and writing though. Don't want to give people the wrong impression or offend anyone unintentionally.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Nice content, I like the viking house. Yeah I do agree that the religious thing might be a tad too much. Splash screen of a cross, then immediately an environment containing a cross etc.
  • Gods_Requiem
    Hey, tell me what you think about this new website layout. My friend recommended it to me. The content is still the same, I'm just working on the overall site right now. http://cynicalart.wordpress.com
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Wordpress isn't to friendly when it comes to quick look portfolio sites in my opinion... great for blogs though. Someone has mentioned Carbonmade already, the free version allows 5 'projects' or sections with about 50 free images to host, the paid version is 50 'projects' and 500 images(or something like that). I'm still studying and have already got a Carbonmade site, check it out in my signature for yourself.
  • superdenny707
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    superdenny707 polycounter lvl 14

    That's Jon Jones' article on exactly how your portfolio should be presented. Lot of good info for you.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Do yourself a favor and check out carbonmade like cholden said...its pretty much set up perfectly for portfolios.

    Both of your websites...one starts you out on the resume, the other is at an about page. You wanna slap people in the face with awesome art right from the get go. Make your art gallery your home page.
  • Gods_Requiem
    Thank you all. I'll def check out carbonmade since it seems to be the ideal portfolio site. And the Jon Jones article is really helpful too (For a second I thought you were joking with me because I was thinking Jon Jones the MMA light heavyweight champ lol). Hey, I was also wondering if any of you can can give me a link to an example of what an ideal website looks like, preferably one made in carbonmade.
  • nick2730
    weebly.com is good too
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10
    Here is a BIG list of portfolios.

    I dislike the free Carbonmade due to the small picture sizes. I agree with nick2730 -I am liking weebly.com for now
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
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