I just wanted to showcase my latest W.I.P Environment. It is for a Action Horror game for the mobile platform called 2013: Infected Wars (www.actionmobilegames.com) built using UE3.
The idea behind this map is that players must reach the mall and traverse the freeway along the way. Once near the mall, they realise that the area has been quarintined, and the survivors have turned the area into a slum city, with various shanty buildings they player must navigate through. Obviously, there attempts at a safe haven did not last long and now the entire area is overun by Flesh Eaters (zombies).
Keep in mind the extreme technical limitations faced when constructing this map. The general on screen draw call count is between 8-15 and only 3-4 textures where used to create the entire level. It runs at 40fps on a iPhone 4g and iPad 1.
Thanks for looking, feedback and crits appreciated.
It's quite nice looking! Constantly surprises me how much detail you can shove into mobile devices nowadays - a breakdown of your scene would be interesting to a lot of people I'm sure.
I did notice some issues with uneven texel density, and the textures on the bridge don't really match up across edges. Also, I'm not sure how much breathing space you have here performance-wise, but the lighting seems a little flat currently
good work! I was surprised at the quality of the character models on the 2013 site, I find it hard to believe they will ever look that good in game, I will be really impressed if you get shaders with normals and specular etc on models that are so high poly and still have the game running at 30fps
It's basically the same thing with the same name, and it's kind of noticeable, everybody pretty much recognizes him. And for me...I personnaly don't really like seeing something re-used like this
The environment looks pretty nice ^^, not a big fan of the light cones though.
For the 50th time explaining this, the Imrod character has been licsensed to us by Dmitry for use in the game. that character will be a boss about halfway through the campaign.
As far as character quality it will be about on par with epic games Infinity Blade with what can be achieved. Shaders do not to advanced on mobile but when used correctly they are still doable.
making levels for ue3 mobile is entirely different than regular UDK. We spent a good 6-8 months figuring out the workflow, I'll post a scene breakdown later today. Cheers!
I wasn't accusing you of anything...I was just saying it kind of removes "something" from it since we all know where it came from, it's less original, that's just my opinion...
Yeah some 3D Artists know of the character, but most players dont. The Imrod we know and love stands still looking pretty in his Dom War pose, but AMG took it a bit further and gave him animations and a personality..
I did notice some issues with uneven texel density, and the textures on the bridge don't really match up across edges. Also, I'm not sure how much breathing space you have here performance-wise, but the lighting seems a little flat currently
Seen this guy somewhere before....
The design seems to be somewhat similiar indeed.
It's basically the same thing with the same name, and it's kind of noticeable, everybody pretty much recognizes him. And for me...I personnaly don't really like seeing something re-used like this
The environment looks pretty nice ^^, not a big fan of the light cones though.
As far as character quality it will be about on par with epic games Infinity Blade with what can be achieved. Shaders do not to advanced on mobile but when used correctly they are still doable.
making levels for ue3 mobile is entirely different than regular UDK. We spent a good 6-8 months figuring out the workflow, I'll post a scene breakdown later today. Cheers!
And didn't think a bit about the players not knowing the character....good point ^^